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Postby Saratul » 11 Dec 2019, 23:02

So I got my fissure 6 months ago because of childbirth. Since then I have tried niphedipine, manuka honey with olive oil, and dr wheatgrass. I have gotten my fissure to “heal” 3 times already. It’s been healed for a month or two and then tears again because I don’t watch my diet and stop drinking water, eating fiber, etc. this last month it took a full four weeks to heal. So during these four weeks I did niphedipine twice daily. Didn’t really do much for me. Then last week I started applying manuka honey with olive oil twice a day. Again, didn’t really notice a difference when I went to the bathroom. Then I started dr wheatgrass once a day. I don’t know if it was the wheatgrass or the fact that I decided I would no longer poop without applying manuka honey and olive oil. So all day yesterday I kept applying manuka honey mixed with olive oil in case I would have to go. I must have applied it 5 times at least. Today, I did the same thing. Finally, I used the bathroom and my fissure was healed. It’s been a month since I’ve pooped without any pain. Applying manuka honey before pooping is exactly how I healed it the other 2 times too. Im silly for not just doing that to begin with. I really really think you should not poop until you apply some type of coating on the cut. Manuka honey has amazing healing properties and there has been research done on how it heals fissures. If you live in US, you can find a huge can of it at Costco. Let me know if it makes a difference for anyone.
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Postby North West Jen » 15 Jan 2020, 23:42

Thanks for the information and so happy it worked for you.
North West Jen
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