by simplebutt » 24 May 2017, 13:48
Hello people, I would first of all like to thank everyone here who helped me through the 1.5 years of agony that I went through. Reading the posts here really gave me hope. I had stopped coming here after I had my successful surgery two months ago like many people but I felt I was sort of indebted to share my experience. Which has been amazing!
So, if you have had a fissure for a while and all conservative treatments like sitz baths, diet, rectogesic, etc. have not helped then PLEASE do not delay the surgery. It is one hundred percent worth it! In my case, I suffered for 1.5 years after developing a fissure in about 2 weeks of constipation till it finally tore and gave me agonizing pain. First thought it was haemorroids and used an ointment for that which made it worse. Took me about three weeks to realize that it was actually a fissure when I visited a general physician. Started all the conservative measures but it kept coming back after a few weeks of relief. Finally got the surgery done by a very experienced colorectal surgeon here in Bombay, India.
I had a huge fear of incontinence which was the only thing that kept me off surgery. There was none of it! If you are not over 70 and haven't delivered 10 babies there will not be any incontinence.
Mine was an outpatient procedure done under local anesthesia called the Closed Lateral Internal Partial Sphincterotomy (CLIPS). I didn't feel a thing. The stinging pain went right after the op when I had my first BM the next morning. The pain from the incision felt like a sore muscle which was very bearable. High fiber diet, stool softeners and non-spicy bland diet for 3 weeks and some antibiotics and pain killers to help me heal quickly.
Trust me, time flies. The two months passed in a jiffy and I was at work two days after surgery only because it was the weekend after it :) Bottom line, do not be afraid of surgery, it is a simple surgery and very common. You will get your life back. Cheers!