Unbearable pain please help

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Re: Unbearable pain please help

Postby Mypoorbutt » 14 Nov 2016, 18:12

I'm sure the emails will do the job Hun.
Yes some receptionists really do seem to think they are the bearers of all knowledge...I agree I often think they never even ask the doctors.
Nurses are lovely they actually care about the patients.
I hope you manage to get some sleep, where are you exactly...I never know if I'm wishing someone a good sleep and it's like 11 am for them lol
Take care
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Re: Unbearable pain please help

Postby GilmoreGirl » 14 Nov 2016, 18:28

Thanks mypoorbutt, your messages have been so helpful, I don't feel so alone.

I'm in Ottawa, it's 6:30 pm or so here!

I am thinking that if when I see a surgeon next I may ask for a different topical cream - I have only ever used nifedipine, and it does nothing. I may be wrong, but are the other options nitro cream and diltazem (sp?)? Or are these just the same thing?
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Re: Unbearable pain please help

Postby Mypoorbutt » 14 Nov 2016, 18:41

Your more than welcome...I have been where you are now and if it wasn't for my children I'm not sure I would have had the strength.
I tried diliatzem but was allergic it's a calcium blocker. I use GTN nitro and it's great it more or less worked the first time I used it...Okk it's not perfect and doesn't always stop the spasms but most of the time it's my life saver...yes there are headaches but they last for a few minutes compared to hours of agony
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Re: Unbearable pain please help

Postby GilmoreGirl » 15 Nov 2016, 11:43

Will be asking for GTN next time I see a doctor! Feeling horrible today. The bleeding had stopped past two days, but had tons of blood this morning. Bm was horrendous, I don't know what's going on but I can no longer push out any stool, even when it is very soft. So embarrassing, but had to resort to warm water enema and "manually" helping things along. What's happening!?! This is the worst possible scenario - how can this heal when it takes me an hour to painstakingly go?!
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Re: Unbearable pain please help

Postby Mypoorbutt » 15 Nov 2016, 12:16

Gosh that sounds awful Hun, are you taking laxatives or anything that can have an affect on your bowel as that's not normal
You need to be seeing a doctor about that on its own, did you send the emails off today I'm sure you will get some help from those.
I feel your pain on how the way we go to the toilet not only impacts the healing but the pain level.
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Re: Unbearable pain please help

Postby GilmoreGirl » 15 Nov 2016, 12:25

I'm only taking 1/4 a dose of restoralax (miralax) before bed. I've always had to strain a little more than I should (probably what started this in the first place), but now I think something has prolapsed. I seriously just want to die after that trip to the bathroom. I still have to go and I'm too scared to try again. I did finally manage to get an appointment with my surgeon and gastro on Thursday (they work together) - my father phoned his crs who works at the same hospital (also with my surgeon and gastro) and explained the situation. The nurse/receptionist was very sympathetic - she called my gastro/surgeons offices and they arranged it!
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Re: Unbearable pain please help

Postby GilmoreGirl » 15 Nov 2016, 12:30

I'm starting to think I should take an Imodium...harder stools are honestly easier for me to pass, as they tend to more easily fully come out in one motion. And the amount I have to go every morning is ridiculous!! Much more than one stool - about five or six in sequence if that makes sense - sorry for the detailed info
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Re: Unbearable pain please help

Postby Mypoorbutt » 15 Nov 2016, 12:48

It does make sense I can often go 4 times in under an hour when I'm having a bad day I end up straining even though I don't need too it's like my whole body is trying to expel the BM. I truly prefer a BM at Bristol 3 it's so much easier less straining less trips much less pain.
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Re: Unbearable pain please help

Postby GilmoreGirl » 15 Nov 2016, 12:52

Ya it's strange because it's against everybody's advice! I think I will try not taking the restoralax tonight, and maybe an Imodium (loperamide)? I'm scared because I'm constantly told to do the opposite, but unless it's solid or completely liquid, that stuff just isn't coming out!
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Re: Unbearable pain please help

Postby Mypoorbutt » 15 Nov 2016, 12:56

It's really strange that it won't come out...I don't have that problem...just an unending amount of trips especially for the little amount I eat lol.
All I can say is for me the firmer the easier. I guess if you wanted to ease in you could not take the restoralax tonight and if that's not enough try add the Imodium in tomorrow....you have to do what's best for you. Heck I'm back on just bread for now even though I know it's not good because it's what works for me right now.
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