Unbearable Pain

Unbearable Pain

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Unbearable Pain

Postby Boogie » 14 Apr 2018, 18:10

Hi all,

Very glad to have come across this community and know there are other providing their tips and experiences in managing this debilitating injury.

A bit of backstory - about 3 weeks ago i was straining really hard because i felt like i had a bit more in me (stool was smooth, just large if anything) and noticed a bit of blood when I went to wipe. It wasn't overly painful or anything and the rest of the week was fine, didn't experience it again.

Last week however, after having normal BM's (no blood), i noticed a bit of pain down there and thought back to me straining a week prior. Thought it might be the initial stages of a hemorroid but i still went to the gym regardless and trained legs. This was a big mistake. I woke up the next morning with a huge amount of pain.

I went to see a GP about a week ago and upon inspection she said i had a cut/tear. I asked her to also check for a bump because I had felt it the night before on my own inspection but she refused due to not wanting to aggrivate the tear she could already see.

I was told to consume for veggies, take sitz baths, etc. She also prescribed me Proctosedryl which in conjuction with all the other home remedies and diet change has not had any effect over the past week. BM's are the worst and i've recently been using Microlax to minimise straining despite BM's being much smoother since diet change.

Just over a week in now, the pain has been gradually worsening and is now unbearable. I cant sit or stand or walk or even sleep....i wake up about 10 times a night because i've shifted my leg and the pain has woken me up. I can't even sit properly on the toilet for a BM.

I was reading around and most of those suffering seem to be able to go about their daily lives with some pain management processes but me....I cannot move without a pain spasm. I was wondering if going to the emergency room is too far?

Thank you in advance for your input guys,
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Re: Unbearable Pain

Postby hurtinend » 14 Apr 2018, 19:12

when I first got my fissure, it sent me to the emergency room, pain was unreal. They basically diagnosed me with a fissure (I had never heard of it before), administered some painkillers ( just enough for 2 days), and nitro ointment. Urged me to follow up with my doctor.

I understand your pain, you need to get back the GP asap and explain your pain. Get referral to colorectal specialist.
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Re: Unbearable Pain

Postby chachacha » 14 Apr 2018, 22:24

You may have a cut, but maybe that's not what the big problem is? If you are not getting any relief at all, and the pain happens when you move your leg, could this be something like sciatica? Or another muscular issue? Most of us fissure sufferers have/had pain when defacating and sometimes for up to 12 hours afterward, but would get some semblance of relief at some point between BM's.
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