Upcoming LIS could use dietary suggestions

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Upcoming LIS could use dietary suggestions

Postby BarbC » 14 Jan 2014, 11:25

Hi everyone, I am new to this forum.
I have suffered with my AF for the last eight or nine months. There were many complications from my UC (and J-pouch surgery); the last remaining issues are a partial blockage that keeps recurring and this darned AF that makes it extremely painful to eliminate.
I have not read all the posts regarding AF and LIS, yet, but I sure could use some quick advice on the types of food that sufferers have eaten that passes a little more freely than a 'normal' diet that my GI doctor prescribed.
I appreciate all help or suggestions.
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Re: Upcoming LIS could use dietary suggestions

Postby Hatetopoop » 14 Jan 2014, 11:38

HI BarbC, I am day 4 post LIS surgery and still trying to figure this out myself but I am sticking to soups, purees, lentil soup, any bean soup, natural squeezed juices I make in my blender, watermelon, kale, cucumber, carrots and pineapple juice; absolutely no meats such as steak. Light chicken or tuna salad, fish, or even shrimp.

I take a fiber pill 2x day--psyllium husk. They sell it everywhere even generic at Target, Walgreens, Costco, and most drug stores and two stool softeners 2x days called Colace.

Hope this helps!..
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Re: Upcoming LIS could use dietary suggestions

Postby Hatetopoop » 14 Jan 2014, 11:40

Also, stay away from pizza, bread, pasta, white flour and sugar products. I also have oatmeal or smoothies for breakfast and put a 1/2 banana or strawberries, blueberries in my smoothie.
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Re: Upcoming LIS could use dietary suggestions

Postby BarbC » 14 Jan 2014, 11:53

I truly appreciate your quick response and it all makes sense. Your user name says it all. It is one to which I can relate. I am in there ten to fifteen times in a 24 hour period and I "Hate to poop"; it hurts so much.
So, it appears that a liquid diet is the best with fruits and vegetables thrown in a blendrer.
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Re: Upcoming LIS could use dietary suggestions

Postby Hatetopoop » 14 Jan 2014, 12:09

Yes, foods mostly based from fruits, veggies, beans...You can have chicken, fish, shrimp, turkey...etc. though I have very small portions just enough to satisfy me because the "liquids" can get quite boring after a while! Good luck...
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