I had a chronic fissure that occasionally flares up. In June/July, it was bad and lasted for 2 months. I had lots of bleeding and pain. I used OTC hydrocortisone cream and it seem to heal up. About 2-3 wks ago, I didn't feel well (fever, nausea) and had alot of pain/pressure/burning around the fissure plus high white count. When I went to the bathroom, I noticed a large very painful bump and pus/blood drainage. I got in to see a proctologist who specializes in fissues/fistula. He drained it and placed me on antibiotics for 2 wks. Couldn't really get a good exam due to the pain. This week, I noticed pus/blood coming from a small hole. We suspect it is a fistula. The abscess is fairly deep and he didn't want to open it in the clinic. I am scheduled for surgery on Dec 18. He is going to drain it, place a seton and do a better exam. I have been in shock because this progressed so fast.
I got a second opinion this week from a CRS. He examined me in under 2 minutes and said that there is no fissure. It is very obvious that it is a fissure. I can even see the white anal muscle fibers. He suggested another cream and wait a month. I did not like his bedside manner and he was extremely rough during the exam. I am paying for it today.
I will most likely go with the 1st surgeon. I don't think I can handle any more of the pain and swelling. Still running low grade fevers. What is involved with getting a seton placed? I am a teacher so I will have about 20 days off during winter break. Will that be enough time to recover?