Hi Everyone,
I am so glad to have found this forum because for over a year now I have been feeling completely alone with this health problem and its getting me down ☹️
I was diagnosed with a fissure last Summer and prescribed a course of Diltiazem for 8 weeks, during this time I had intense itching on my anus that did not subside. Upon returning to my consultant he advised that the fissure had healed fully. However, the itching was still just as intense.
I returned to see a different consultant a few weeks ago who said that some of the fissure is still there and prescribed me a 12 week course of diltiazem cream.
Since I've started using it I've had intense itching/dryness of my vagina (as well as the itching of my bum!)
I thought it was thrush initially, but after taking an anti-fungal pill and cream, things haven't subsided.
So my question is - are there any other women here who have experienced the same when using diltiazem?
I would really appreciate hearing others thoughts/experiences as I can't find much online about it.