Praying for everyone who has had surgery recently

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Praying for everyone who has had surgery recently

Postby Guest » 30 Jan 2008, 10:13

I've been checking in everyday or as much as I can to read how everyone's been doing with their surgeries. I haven't posted much lately, though, and wanted you to know that I'm praying for all of you. I'm in awe over how you all have handled the pain of fissures and hemorrhoids. As you know, my pain and bleeding was diagnosed as cuts maybe from yeast. So, if my pain was just from little cuts, I can't imagine having the pain and spasms you all have dealt with. My prayers go out to each of you during your recovery.

Re: Praying for everyone who has had surgery recently

Postby Guest » 30 Jan 2008, 14:41

You are so sweet. I appreciate you taking the time to post and let us know about your prayers.

I had a check up today and the doctor said I have a yeast infection around the anus. So the area is inflamed from that. Hopefully in a few days it will get better. What did you end up doing for yours? I am taking acidophilis to help balance the digestive tract but I just ordered something more broad spectrum to see if that helps. She told me to use some lotrimin on the area. She said it was from all the hot baths.

Again, thank you so much for your prayers. It means a lot to me!

Re: Praying for everyone who has had surgery recently

Postby Fissulyna » 30 Jan 2008, 14:49

Thanks Julie : ))) !!! Spiritual gifts are one of the most valuable and most sincere one can get from others.
We will be praying for your full recovery too !!!
LECIA - sorry to hear about darn yeast attacking you now Image !!! Good that you had a check-up today ! Does it itch or burn ? Did she see it by naked eye or she did culture ?
I truly hope that the cream will help very fast !!!! Try maybe to stay naked for couple hours a day so that your butt can be dry and "get some fresh air" Image . Don't know how will you explain your striptease to MIL, especially after you announced your "new horny self" Image Image Image , but who cares !!! Fresh air and sunshine are the worst enemies of any yeast Image
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Re: Praying for everyone who has had surgery recently

Postby Guest » 30 Jan 2008, 16:27

Thanks, Fiss. Yeah, it burns. I thought it was just from the surgery but the doctor said it was coated. She didn't culture it though. I haven't looked in the mirror so I didn't know what was going on there.

Yeah, time for a striptease. But I think it is a bit early to break out the diltiazem!

Re: Praying for everyone who has had surgery recently

Postby Fissulyna » 30 Jan 2008, 17:22

Oh, I admire people who can control themselves and "not look" - I am horrible in that regard ! Sometimes I wish I have inversed periscope WITH magnifying glass AND 200 W light , ha ha ha.
Is your doctor satisfied in general with "her work" ??? How is your pain and bleeding : ( .
I hope that every day is one little step toward freedom from it all !!!
And, of course it is early for the "dilitiazem party" ; ) but - when the time comes he he, I don't think you will be looking for your KY gel, LOL ; ))) !!!
BIG HUG from your :arwen:
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Re: Praying for everyone who has had surgery recently

Postby Guest » 30 Jan 2008, 19:41

Lecia, the doctor had me use Lotrimin AF 3 times a day for 2 weeks. She didn't say that she actually saw symptoms of yeast, just that the cuts I had are commonly caused by yeast. When I went back for a 3 week follow-up she said things looked like they were healing and I didn't need to do anything more than the nitro cream.
But, I had a couple of setbacks after I saw her, so I don't know what to think. I think I'm healed now, no bleeding or pain for a couple of weeks. Tomorrow will be the 1st day without the nitro cream, so we'll see. If I bleed or have pain again, I'm supposed to use the nitro cream for 2 weeks more. I think if that happens, I'll make an appt. and see if she can do some sort of swab test to check if it is definitely yeast that's causing it or not. I've had yeast problems before vaginally that wouldn't go away without a long stint of Diflucan, so maybe that would be the next thing to try. Hopefully, I won't have to worry about that, though.

Re: Praying for everyone who has had surgery recently

Postby val » 31 Jan 2008, 09:25

thank you Julie for your prayers for all of us, that is so nice of you to write that. And there is no "worse" pain or "better" pain, pain is pain and its horrible, especially where we all have it! So dont make light of yours, you are suffering too.
Have you tried live yoghurt? Thats very good for yeast infections.
Lecia, I'm so sorry you've got that on top of everything else-you must feel cursed! And how unfair that it was the baths that caused it, you cant win can you!
Fis, you totally crack me up.I'm always so glad when you post something because its always so funny! Image
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Re: Praying for everyone who has had surgery recently

Postby Guest » 31 Jan 2008, 10:37

Thanks Val-I am starting to wonder if someone has cast a wicked spell on my butt!

I am did a monistat insert last night and have been applying the lotrimin cream and took a difuclan. I am going to start taking a more heavy duty probiotic. I don't know what to do about the baths though. It feels so good at the time but then it weakens my skin and then I get an opportunistic infection.

I hope you get yours undercontrol Julie and that you are spasm free!

Re: Praying for everyone who has had surgery recently

Postby Fissulyna » 31 Jan 2008, 14:09

Thanks Val ; ) ! It makes me happy to make others laugh ; )- so I guess it is a win-win situation :_):
Lecia- I know that I might be boring with my Vican remedies, herbs and all Image , but just for you to know chamomile has anti microbial properties as well as sage. Maybe you can try classic sitz-baths (you know ones that look like miniature baby tubs) filled with warm water and added chamomile tea Image . Just a thought ... I healed pinky-eye with chamomile many times.
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Re: Praying for everyone who has had surgery recently

Postby buttgirl » 31 Jan 2008, 14:14

I swear by chamomile and lavendar. Those have helped my rosacea tremendously. Oatmeal too. My hubby says I look like I have leprosy when I wear my oatmeal mask.
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