Okay...Now I'm Nervous.

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Okay...Now I'm Nervous.

Postby buttgirl » 06 Mar 2008, 17:24

I finally heard formthe surgery schduler this morning and it looks like I will be going in on March 13 for LIS. It's funny, I was happy when I herad that the CRS thought the LIs would work and help me heal and I was anxious to schedule the surgery, but now that it is impending I am nervous. I have the first of my pre-op appointments tomorrow.
I'm not sure why I'm nervous--OK I am--I'm afraid of the pain and the knife. My last surgery took months to recover enough for the pain to be at a tolerable level most days. Indeed, I don't believe I have yet fully recovered nad it's been a year and a month. I'm worried that I might be going through this for nothing and that I might be in pain for months again. There I said it. My worst fears. :pale:
The upside is that I trust my surgeon and he came highly recommended, both by my GI and others I have talked to. He is also a teacher and a member of several professional organizations. He is also quite nice and did his very best to not hurt me when I saw him last time. He is also very careful of his work and determied to cut the right muscle the right amount. He said I notice definite imporvements after the first bm.....but I'm still nervous....
:&&: (me pacing)
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Re: Okay...Now I'm Nervous.

Postby buttgirl » 06 Mar 2008, 17:25

hmm. ... I tried to insert and also edit in R2D2 going back an forth. That is supposed to be me pacing...
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Re: Okay...Now I'm Nervous.

Postby SunshineHope » 07 Mar 2008, 00:50

ooo I know what ya mean! I haven't got LIS but I was booked for the surgery and thought I could use it as a last resort if I didn't heal otherwise (it was supposed to be in the summer or something)... But the CRS called me and said "we have an opening next week, are you ready?" and I quickly agreed... (Although I ended up cancelling)!! I was sooo nervous for that week, I just couldn't do it! So I know how you feel! But I think you will be really glad once it's over... I'm sure this pain wont compare to the pain of the actual fissure and all those daily BMs - this is just one procedure that'll be done with quickly... Better than a lifetime of pain I suppose :(
Wishing you all the strength that I can share with you!! I hope more boardies can post about their experiences..
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Re: Okay...Now I'm Nervous.

Postby Fissulyna » 07 Mar 2008, 01:30

Chris - you know what I went through - and I am glad now that I did . I hated the guy for 6 weeks, now I am thinking how I "owe him an apology" even though he has no idea what I wrote here , LOL !!! You are in good hands, what is the most important thing !!! I understand the fear of not healing : (, that would be my worst fear too. I never thought about that possibility though, maybe that is why I couldn't wait to jump on that table. I was not nervous at all - I really was looking for that day as my salvation, and it was.
Sometimes we have to take a risk to gain something, but again, I took risks all my life holding on that philosophy - you know what Romans said - The luck follows the brave ; ))) ! I truly believe in that and it served me well so far ; ))) !!! Your fissure brought you so much trouble so far (including abscess ) - maybe if you had LIS long ago you would be home free LONG time ago without so much pain and complications that followed. I would be sooo mad at my fissure by now that I would cut my sphincter by myself LOL !!!
Take care , my friend, I know that you can do it - you had worse procedure that this one !!!!!! I wish you best of luck and am looking forward for your March 14 post of first pain free BM ; ))) !!!
BIG HUG @: )
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Re: Okay...Now I'm Nervous.

Postby Guest » 07 Mar 2008, 09:35

I know how you feel. My appointment is March 13th as well. Initially I felt relief to finally agree to have it done but now with less than a week to go, the fear is setting in. But Fissulyna is right, luck does follow the brave. All the best. Know that you're in our thoughts and prayers.

Re: Okay...Now I'm Nervous.

Postby Deleted User 5 » 07 Mar 2008, 09:40

We will all be rooting and cheering you on, Chris. The LIS is really not bad at all for most people, so I wouldn't fret about the recovery too much. Just take your healing supplements like zinc and eat healing foods and you'll be doing quite fine in just a few days beyond the surgery. And it'll be around St. Paddy's day, so you'll have the luck of the Irish going for you!
Deleted User 5

Re: Okay...Now I'm Nervous.

Postby Guest » 07 Mar 2008, 09:58

I can totally understand your fear and trepidation but I think that you will find once that day comes you will walk right in there and set your fanny up and not look back. I was nervous as all get out about my surgery but then the day of the surgery I was strangely calm. I just walked into the operating room and said by the time I wake up this hemmie will be gone. The healing has sucked for me but you know my siutation is different and everyone here just about has been pleasantly suprised that it went so well. If you don't do it, you may have to live indefinitely with this issue and that is what gave me the courage to proceed.

Will you have any family out to help along with your hubby? I wish I could come out and keep you company. But you will see that you are going to do just fine! I know it! Now believe it! :hug2:

Re: Okay...Now I'm Nervous.

Postby Guest » 07 Mar 2008, 10:00

Oh, Fiss, I see your new photo. Dancing is such a passion of yours I can tell. I love it!

Re: Okay...Now I'm Nervous.

Postby buttgirl » 07 Mar 2008, 10:46

Thanks everyone. You've said all the right things and reconfirmed for me that this is the right decision. I really appreciate it.
My hubby will be taking care of me. I don't have any kids, so all I really nee to do is cook a few soups and some beans ahead of time and I'm set for meals for a while. then all I ned to do is rest and eat.
Last edited by buttgirl on 07 Mar 2008, 11:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Okay...Now I'm Nervous.

Postby juney » 07 Mar 2008, 11:02

i was scared out of my mind before my 1st LIS. but i was also very hopeful at that point, and that helped me get through it. plus, once i got in the OR they knocked me out within seconds. it wasn't that bad. are you going under GA? i hope so!!! you will probably not even feel any pain when you wake up, if they give you good meds. i didn't feel pain after either surgery until an hour or so after. just get a lot of rest and don't do anything until you know you're up to it after surgery.

good luck and i hope it works for you!!!! you've definitely tried everything and you deserve to have this end!!
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