Okay...Now I'm Nervous.

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Re: Okay...Now I'm Nervous.

Postby buttgirl » 07 Mar 2008, 11:19

Thanks Juney!
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Re: Okay...Now I'm Nervous.

Postby val » 09 Mar 2008, 12:33

Chris, I think once its over you will be SOOOO glad that you did it! The worst thing is the waiting for it because your mind works overtime and all the "what ifs" come flooding into your mind. But the operation is a walk in the park compared to the day to day suffering of the AF.
I'm sure everything will go perfectly.
Good luck!
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Re: Okay...Now I'm Nervous.

Postby buttgirl » 10 Mar 2008, 09:29

Thanks Val!
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Re: Okay...Now I'm Nervous.

Postby small_flower » 10 Mar 2008, 18:23

I know exactly what you are feeling, as I went through what you are about to go through a little over a year ago. You should look back at one of my old posts. It describes my surgery in detail.
Some of my posts that might be helpful to you:
My Story Thus Far
surgery Questions
Back to normal... almost
Questions answered and recovery part 2
I had the same fears as you. I was worried about the pain as well as how the recovery would be. I was also worried about if my surgeon would cut too much or not enough, though I trusted him and thought he was great, I don't think anyone can really let go of those anxieties and fears when it's our own bodies we are talking about. Image
So I have some advice (very practical simple advice to make this a bit easier)
First of all, follow all pre-surgery directions and DON'T drink water unless the doctor tells you that you specifically can. I made that mistake and they almost didn't do mine that day! So glad they did.
Secondly, take a pillow and a blanket in the car with you after the surgery, it will be a nicer ride home!
Third... I didn't do this AFTER my surgery... but I was still feeling the pain killers that they gave me afterways, so I said that I didn't need more. BIG MISTAKE. My butt hurt all the way home and then I had to wait another hour while my dad went out to get my pain medication. The lesson here is, if they offer more pain killers, take em!
Obviously, take all your jewelry off at home. My earrings are gauges and are semi-permanent in my ears. Basically I can't unscrew them to take them out without a pair of pliers. It sounds brutal, but its not. They ended up taping my jewelry to my ears!
Bring a good book! They will give you a bag for all your clothes and belongings. I found it distracted me while I was waiting to be taken in for the actual surgery. Helps take off the anxieties.
Don't force that first BM. I tried to and it hurt, and then as soon as I didn't it was fine!
Don't worry. Image I know your scared now, but its going to be totally worth it. My recovery really wasn't that bad. It was pretty much a week of feeling yucky and then I was fine. You're going to get through this and once you do, your going to feel like a million bucks! It will be totally worth it. :loveheart:
I'll be thinking of you!
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Re: Okay...Now I'm Nervous.

Postby buttgirl » 11 Mar 2008, 09:13

Thanks Kate. That's really helpful. I'll check out your threads.
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Re: Okay...Now I'm Nervous.

Postby Fissulyna » 11 Mar 2008, 12:16

Dear Chris Image ,
The D-day is coming closer and closer - now you probably are saying "well THANKS for reminding me :shock:" !!! I can feel butterflies in your stomach Image , it must be hard when one feels better and is wondering if this is the right choice or if one is rady to go through extra pain :roll: It was easy for me since I was in so much pain after it opened "fresh" and because I got app. in 5 days ! I really couldn't wait to jump on that table !!! Try to concentrate on healing part and all the fun you will be able to have afterwards without constant worry and pain Image !!! Post op is really nothing in comparison to fissure pain and you will be up and running in no time ! Once you reach your surgery place, you will feel at peace - this waiting period is probably the worst : ( !
You now that we all are here for you Image and this all will once look as a bad dream Image XOXOOOO
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Re: Okay...Now I'm Nervous.

Postby buttgirl » 11 Mar 2008, 13:15

Thanks Fiss. I have actually been having a bad couple of weeks. I helped a friend move, something I used to do without even thinking about it, and it really has made my butt sore. that's the Sunday before last. i think the hemmie from the surgery last year thrombosed a little, and the fissure retore a lilttle. It's funny--the boxes werre'nt even very heavy. It must have to do with the squat and lift position????
At any rate, I'm more convinced than ever that this is the right course of action. And I figure that if I can come close to healing before LIS, then after LIS I should be able to actually heal. Thanks to all of you who have gove before me, I have a good healing plan, which includes MOM for the first couple nights and a diet of mush (beans, peas, oatmeal, steamed veggies) for the first week. I figure the main complications come from post-op constipation (or so I've heard), so I'm trying to be extra careful.
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Re: Okay...Now I'm Nervous.

Postby IronicTwist » 22 Mar 2017, 04:36

Relax. My LIS was 2 weeks ago and it went very well. The most pain I went through during recovery was a 2. Just felt a little tender.
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