Am I having a recurrence of fistula?!

Fistulotomy 8 weeks ago

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Re: Am I having a recurrence of fistula?!

Postby terrifiedinNY » 26 Apr 2017, 12:31

Well, I hd my appointment. He inserted the fistula probe to check if one was indeed still present. Good news - it's not! And before the CRS confirmed I could tell. During my first exam pre-op when he did it, I could feel the probe go through into the rectum. This time, it was a hard stop.

He did however lay in some silver nitrate as I expected he might. Burnt like a bitch and my butthole looks like someone rubbed charcoal on it haha!

He said to evaluate over the next 2-3 weeks and see if I notice improvement. If not, I need to make another appointment and he said he may need to CUT again. I must have had "the look" on my face because he quickly said "no surgery, just local anaesthetic here in the office". PHEW!

I would still very much like to avoid that. He said it seems like just delayed healing, so he burnt the skin away on the wound and I'm hoping it improves. My issue is that it seems to become aggravated when I have a BM, so I'm going to go back on stool softeners starting tonight to make this as easy as possible. I don't have trouble passing a BM except that sometimes it's a little too bulky and my anus won't open far enough to let it pass, which is probably why this is happening. Ugh.
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Re: Am I having a recurrence of fistula?!

Postby zinnia » 04 May 2017, 20:26

How are you doing? I am at four weeks post op and the lump I mentioned has reduced, but that anal verge area really is irritated feeling- I assume from scarring/healing, but feels fissure like- which essentially it is. Hoping this is all with in ten realms of "normal."
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Re: Am I having a recurrence of fistula?!

Postby terrifiedinNY » 04 May 2017, 20:50

Improved actually! The swelling reduced immensely. You can only feel it if you press the skin down now, as opposed to when the skin rose before. Drainage has also reduced, so it's not like it's the same amount and it's just not getting "pooled" in the area where it swells.

Anyway, i also haven't had any gas through the wound when before the silver nitrate and for the day or so afterwards, I was. I think that the delayed healing was because I was straining when having a BM. I think in the moment I just didn't consider myself to be straining, but that's what it was. I went back on miralax and haven't had any real pain or swelling in several days now. The area is healing again and generally looks better too. Hoping to see more recovery in another week. I'll update again!
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Re: Am I having a recurrence of fistula?!

Postby zinnia » 31 May 2017, 16:53

Dear "Terrified" (!) Just checking back with you. I am at almost 8 weeks. Feel like the more obvious fissure like painfil spot is better, but deeper in is pretty sore- not sure what that is about. Was able to see that healed scar is bright red and disappears into rectum- I have also been using nephedipine- which I think has helped, but also maybe irritated skin a bit. Anyway- how are you doing? Hopefully well!
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Re: Am I having a recurrence of fistula?!

Postby zinnia » 03 Jun 2017, 08:59

ok , my inside spot- that they had a hard time finding- is annoyingly uncomfortable 8 weeks post op- scar tissue? It was a deeper area that they cleared out, but was hoping I would be feeling better- outside area doing ok...
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