Day after surgery?

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Day after surgery?

Postby Guest » 28 Mar 2007, 18:02

Has anyone that had the surgery felt better the same day, only to feel a good bit worse the day after? Yesterday and this morning I felt so good I deceided to do some light house work todayl. Now I am feeling really tired and worn out. My swelling seems to be a little bit worse and the pain is a little bit worse also. Is this normal for the second day or have I over done it?
How long before everyone returned to their normal activities?
How long did you stay on the pain medications post surgery?
I would really appreciate any answers and hope that everyone is having a good day, and Pain free or at least minimal pain. Image

Re: Day after surgery?

Postby Guest » 28 Mar 2007, 19:59

Oh yeah! This is very common. Usually the day of surgery you are pretty much covered by good drugs/anaesthesia and the true aftermath doesn't come until the next day. The pain comes through and swelling occurs as part of the inflammation process that is normal after a surgical procedure.
When I had my hemorrhoid surgery I didn't feel too bad and was so relieved that it was over that I thought Hey this isn't so bad! But it got a lot worse before it got better. Not telling you that to depress you but just to reassure you that it is normal what you are going through. Even if you feel okay I would still take it easy. Just do the bare minimum. Do you have anyone looking after you?
I would also soak in the tub as much as you can. I would take a pain pill, go to the bathroom and then get in the tub until it took effect. I was on percocet and advil. I have been on and off pills for 3 months but have had to deal with surgery and now a fissure from that and I have a rectal nerve injury from childbirth so I am not a real good comparision.
It probably won't feel any worse than it does today and it sounds like it is better than it was pre-surgery. Have you gone to the bathroom yet?
Prayers for your speedy recovery,

Re: Day after surgery?

Postby Guest » 28 Mar 2007, 20:38

What a relief to know that this is normal!!! It is definitly alot better than pre-sugery. I have been to the bathroom 4 times today! It doesn't really hurt to go but stings and feels a little more sore each time (afterwards).
Thank you so much for your input, that gives me some relief to know it is pretty much normal. I feel so sorry for you that you have some of the same problems as me and then additional problem of nerve injury. Does that cause pain also? I coudn't imagine any additional pain to what I had before surgery!! I wouldn't be able to stand it.
I have passed 9 kidney stones, and if I had to say which one was worse, I would have to say the fissure and or fistula or a combination of the two was the worst pain I have ever experienced in MY life. At least with the kidney stones the pain meds took away all the pain. Pre-surgery their was never any complete relief!!
I am by myself during the day because my husband is at work and my children are at school. But the kids are usually home by 3:00 and they try to be alot of help. Husband is a god-send once he gets home. He has been so good to me and really understanding. Thank God for him and this board for all the wonderful info.[img][/img]

Re: Day after surgery?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 29 Mar 2007, 06:12

I was given strong painkillers so while I was in the hospital, for one day, I felt pretty good. But once I got home I was knocked down several notches!
I was on mepergan at home and I took it for just under a week, but not continually. Just when I needed it, usually in the A.M.
How are your BMs? Any spasm now??? They should be gone! And that should be wonderful!
Deleted User 5

Re: Day after surgery?

Postby Guest » 29 Mar 2007, 17:31

Yes the spasms are gone!!! Thank god. Just a lot of swelling and tenderness. Can't sit or stand too long. Taking so many soaks that my skin is drying out and itching. LOL But all of this is much better than the pre-surgery pain.

Re: Day after surgery?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 30 Mar 2007, 09:34

Well, get ready for the itch. It will hit you hard about two weeks after, if the rest of us that have had surgery here are any guide.
I used talcum powder...others made sure they used a blowdryer down there after baths (take about drying you out!)
Deleted User 5

Re: Day after surgery?

Postby Guest » 30 Mar 2007, 20:16

So far not a lot of itching at the surgery site. Today I have had loose bowels and have almost messed all over myself. It didn't quite escape the grasp of my cheeks :oops: I hope this is temporary and not a lasting effect. I am not sure if he had to cut any muscle when he opened my fistula, of when he removed my fissure. Go back to the CRS on Tuesday and will be sure and ask him this. I know if it is from the Botox, that it will only be temporary. But not sure about the rest.
Did anyone elso experience this?
Today was the best day I have had so far. I was able to go about my normal routine today. I am very tired now though, I guess my body is still trying to heal, which takes a lot out of a person!! :sleep:

Re: Day after surgery?

Postby Guest » 31 Mar 2007, 08:22

Hi Sheri,
From what I have heard about botox that it is possible to have some transient, short term incontinence or urgency. I am not sure how the fistula surgery affects that though. I don't think they cut down to the muscle with that but I am not sure.
That is amazing that you are able to go about your normal routine! Just don't overdo it. Take the weekend to slow down while hubby is at home. Maybe he can take the kids out and give you some time to rest.
Did the doctor give you any guidance about possible urgency issues or how long you need to recuperate?
Have a great weekend,

Re: Day after surgery?

Postby Guest » 01 Apr 2007, 11:42

No, I don't think so. He came in to talk to me, or so my husband says. I was till a little woozy form the Ga. I don't have any memory of this. That is a little scary. My husband said I sounded coherent and talked like I had some sense, so he didn't step in and ask any questions. Now my CRS have been moving their office and can't get to my records till Monday to tell me anything. I am anxious to ask them a few questions.
Did any of you get an antibiotic after surgery? After other surgeries I have had I always got a preventative antibiotic but this time I only received pain meds.

Re: Day after surgery?

Postby Guest » 01 Apr 2007, 12:54

No, I didn't get any antibiotics for my surgery either which I thought was odd since generally surgeries and some procedures have you on prophylactic antibiotics. It must be standard not to use them but I don't know why.
I know of someone who did get an infection in his bottom after hemorrhoid surgery and then they did give him antibiotics but I don't guess they do preventive antibiotics for rectal procedures. Seems like they would as that is a dirty place but I guess the body is used to fighting infection there.
How are you doing today? Are you bowels any better? How is your diet? I am glad you can at least get some guidance tomorrow about things. I hate when I have medical issues on the weekend (which is usually when it happens) because it is so hard to get answers!
Take care,

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