Booked Surgery for 9 July - questions!

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: Booked Surgery for 9 July - questions!

Postby Guest » 13 Jul 2008, 12:52

Thanks, Cheryl. Pray that I make it back with anus intacta too! It does make me feel less "disabled" so it was good that I came. Plus I hadn't realized how much I missed everyone.

Tab-glad you are a bit better today. I can't wait to hear what the doctor says. I have to ship out my computer tomorrow morning and probably won't be back online until Wednesday. I hope I can check in before that. I hate being out of touch!


Re: Booked Surgery for 9 July - questions!

Postby cherylk » 13 Jul 2008, 12:59

We'll pray for a safe and uneventful plane trip/ride. I am envious of you getting to be in Colorado!! Kim will have to be the sole computer guru in your absence away from the board. Image :hotair: (couldn't find a plane)
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Re: Booked Surgery for 9 July - questions!

Postby Guest » 13 Jul 2008, 13:00

Hey you made it there !!!!
I am a homebird and so enjoy the coming home part :)
I am praying i see a different CRS !
With our time difference i hope it is possible to give you some news before you go.

Re: Booked Surgery for 9 July - questions!

Postby Guest » 13 Jul 2008, 13:02

That would be super! Thanks you guys.

Oh, here is an airplane for future use!


Re: Booked Surgery for 9 July - questions!

Postby Jen » 13 Jul 2008, 13:22

Tabby -
Thanks for the advise! I was at the store today, and I needed to buy more of my fiber chewables. I had a different brand in the cart, and I decided to put it back and get my same old regular boaring stuff. I hope your feeling alright today! Image
Cheryl -
It does seam like we are in the same place right now. Hopefully this is it for the both of us! My doctor originally gave me a percription for 3 months worth of nitro. I used it up, and just last week he gave me one more bottle with no refills. He will give me more refills if I want, all I have to do is call him. He said most of his clients saty on the nitro for 3-6 months. He said the longest anyone stayed on them was 8 months. He said its fine to stay on them long term if needed. After my current bottle is done, it will be 4 months on the nitro for me. I may ask for one more refill - I am not sure yet.
Do you put you diliatzem in internally? If you do, the mamonmetry will probably feel similar. I usually never had too much problem putting things in my bum (besides the first few months of my fissure), its when a BM comes out that I would get the pain.
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Re: Booked Surgery for 9 July - questions!

Postby cherylk » 13 Jul 2008, 13:37

I don't know if the necessary enema prior might be irritating as well. Now that I am seeing some success I don't want to ruin it. With the test they inflate a baloon to check the pressure.
I put the ointment in internally (about a centimeter) and sometimes rub/massage some on the outside. My CRS really didn't think I needed a second tube the last time I saw him and feels that I am healed since he couldn't see anything the last time. I don't know whether to make an appointment or wait since I am not yet out of my ointment, and I cannot really tell how much is in the tube. I am guessing that it is about 1/2-3/4 full. I don't think I will let him use the scope even if it means having no more cream. I think some people heal from their fissures w/o any Botox, surgery, or creams. I just think those various modalities can aid/speed healing, but you are the nursing student, not me!! Image
By the way, I still act and think like I did many decades ago. Some people say I look and act the same as I always have (plastic surgery helped). Image
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Re: Booked Surgery for 9 July - questions!

Postby Guest » 13 Jul 2008, 13:41

I would love to see some before and after pics sometime Cheryl! I know that is highly personal though!

Re: Booked Surgery for 9 July - questions!

Postby cherylk » 13 Jul 2008, 14:12

Actually, I do have some b/4 and aft pics--even some where I looked bruised and swollen. My son had a hard time seeing my eyes almost swollen closed!!! I am having probs uploading my personal pics when changing the avatar. I can easily upload generic pics but not my own--maybe it is the size of the pics that is the prob.
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Re: Booked Surgery for 9 July - questions!

Postby Fissulyna » 13 Jul 2008, 14:26

Hi all buddies Image !!!!
Just a quick hello form the Fissy Image ! I am little bitt better today regarding spasming of the whole pelvic area. Still no pain during BM but whole day burning and discomfort after that Image . I don't know what is "brewing" in my anus Image - I use my compounded cream and herbal suppositories - help somewhat , but still, it bugs me - I wish I know what is causing burning and slight pain AFTER BM Image . My skin tags are enlarged but normal color and do not hurt to touch. The only new thing is that some fecal matter stays trapped between them (gross, I know and I hate it !!!). I wash and soak and still have to use baby wipes to clean completely Image . Anybody had this going on at any time ??? I guess not :( ... I can't wait this Friday since it looks like that my girl CRS will be back home by than - I just want her to see if fissure is there or not since she is so good in finding one just by manipulating anal skin . I will also call daily to ask for any cancelations with "laser guy" - maybe I will have some luck. I got some will again to explore my options thanks to your support and my family's unconditional love Image Image - so I have to go forward and find the solution for me.
I will try to find a place where a team of doctors would look at me too - I wish I am close to Wake Forest , but maybe I should go to Arizona's Mayo Clinic - my hubby will call them tomorrow to see how they operate. Unfortunately there is nothing like that here in Bay Area . Even Stanford has no programs like that Image Image. Crazy !!! I have to see how much it all will cost first Image , maybe it will not be possible, but at least I would know that I tried Image .
CHERYL - How do your "applicators" look like ? Is your cream in a tube or in a "plastic cylinder"? Do you think that doctors in Mayo would be willing to prescribe the cream with applicator by referral or I have to see them ?
Would they at least sell those applicators? Please don't feel obligated to ask them or anything, I thought maybe you just know - even if not , thank you in advance Image
LECIA-babe- I wish you safe and easy trip home :airplane: and I wish you could stay longer - "wrong food" or not Image , you had some fun Image and that is wonderful!!! I wish my butt did not choose exactly THIS week to make me miserable- I hoped secretly that I would be able to "drop by " in Colorado and surprise you buddy - but life sucks big deal - what can I say :( .
TABBY - I hope your app. will be painless and quick and that you will get definite answers and make great plan for further care Image
JEN - don't change a thing, baby, if it works - stick with it by all means. I wish I stick with what worked for me when I succeeded healing my fissure
naturally and did not listen to my CRS when she told me to start getting of MOM and mineral oil immediately Image - was big mistake and I payed it dearly by opening my fissure again :( . Than I decided to have the LIS !
HOSS - wonderful news , I knew you will do just fine Image, but listen to Lecia and take it easy - no reason to mess up such a great success Image. You have the rest of your life to "play with furniture" LOL - give your butt a break LOL. Yes, move around- walk as much as you can, but don't carry
anything heavy Image Best of luck and it is great to see you well and up Image !!!
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Re: Booked Surgery for 9 July - questions!

Postby Guest » 13 Jul 2008, 15:29

Wow-your pain sounds so awful with all the spasming. How many days does your period last? We need to get this figured out. I am glad you get to see your girl doctor on Friday and see the laser guy hopefully before the 28th?

That would have been great if we could have met. But if you move to Boulder I can come see you when I visit. I could see you living there. It is a nice way of life.

I have had fecal matter stuck in the folds and crevices before and it can be hard to clean so I wipe more which makes my butt sorer but having fecal matter stuck there is an irritant too. Has any of this gotten worse since you started using anything new? Have you ever tried the A&D ointment that you get in the baby aisle?

I'll keep praying for you guys. :nevergive:

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