One month post-LIS

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One month post-LIS

Postby Deleted User 579 » 10 Jun 2011, 09:16

I thought I’d post a one month post-LIS report to keep a record in case it’s helpful to folks thinking about having surgery.
I had an LIS + skin tag removal on May 10th and I’m very pleased with the results. First I’ll report on what is likely everyone’s primary concern: I experienced NO incontinence of any kind – not even to gas. I was able to control even loose stool. So no worries about that!
At this point, I’d say I’m about 95% healed.
The first week after the surgery was a bit rough. There was blood and some stinging pain with BMs, but nowhere near the pain (or blood volume) of the fissure pre-LIS. I also had clear discharge, but not enough to seep onto underwear. I had some post-BM pain (moderate burning and stinging) that would last for a few hours, but, again, nothing like pre-LIS pain. A new pain also developed, which was a deeper bruised feeling all around the butt. The fissure and skin tag sites felt raw and irritated most of the day. There were also some pinching sensations at the fissure. I took extra-strength Robaxacet and slept as much as possible. Sitting was uncomfortable and walking around too much caused some of pain; but otherwise I felt much better than before the surgery. The fissure area was pretty swollen and delicate.
I experienced much of the same during the second week, but milder – the pain decreased, the discharge diminished and then disappeared, and BM became much more comfortable. There was still blood on the stool during BMs, but less of it, and the post-BM pain was mostly a raw sensation at the fissure and skin tag sites. Two weeks and two days post-LIS I threw up and fainted on my way to the docs for a follow-up appointment – but that was not directly associated with the fissure or surgery. My best guess is that I was too weak from having lost so much weight and being immobile for so long that I over-exerted myself. Generally by the second week I was doing much better, but I was still delicate and the fissure and skin tag sites were still easily irritated. The fissure looked like a deep, wide ditch and I had no idea how it could possibly heal! Image
By the third week things started to improve more dramatically. BMs were almost completely painless – just some very mild stinging. There was still blood on the stool, but not a lot. The bruised feeling subsided and eventually disappeared, and the raw sensation also diminished. At this point I could also see that the fissure was healing – it was flattening out, and was pink and just looked like a raw area (it was a bit of a raw area!). I could also sit more comfortably for longer periods and I was doing housework and running errands outside more comfortably. A few times in the afternoons, I almost felt like my pre-fissure self. Image The new sensation was itching, which started at the end of week two and persisted into week three. It still happens sometimes, but not as much now and not for so long.
I’m just past week four and I feel like I’m turning a corner. I still get some blood streaks on the stool, but it’s not a lot and I’m quite sure it’s coming from the skin tag, which I was expecting would take a while to heal (thanks to what I learned here), so I’m not panicking about that just now. The good news is that BMs don’t hurt and there is barely even any stinging now. The swelling is completely gone … in fact, my butt looks quite nice! Image There is still a little bit of post-BM stinging; the fissure is still a bit raw, but less so. Most of the stinging comes from the skin tag site.
So – all in all, I’d say I’m well on my way. I take a shower after BMs (which are usually in the morning). Sometimes I’ll take a warm bath (I used to live in the tub!). I’ll probably take more baths to help the skin tag heal faster. I take Ѕ dose of Miralax/Restoralax two times a day (morning and evening); that had been producing the perfect BMs – I was so proud! Image I think I should taper off the Miralax now, though, because I’m starting to pass pudding. My activity level is increasing everyday and I’m gaining weight (I had been down to 94lbs, which at 5”5’ was not good!). Most of all, I am starting to live my life again and enjoying the things I used to do.
The upshot: I’m so glad I got the LIS. I’m still healing, but I feel like I am very close to getting my life back. I can laugh and smile and enjoy things now. I don’t want to jinx myself – I do expect some set-backs and I will have to be careful for at least a year – but so far things are great and I’m focused on staying on this path.
I hope my story helps those seeking information about LIS experiences. Of course, this narrative doesn’t reflect the anxiety, fear, despair, and anguish of my pre-LIS days and the early post-LIS days – I have no idea how I would have coped if I hadn’t found this forum with all the wonderful people here who helped me so much! Thank you!
Image Image
Deleted User 579

Re: One month post-LIS

Postby Elphie » 10 Jun 2011, 18:15

Great wrap up, hopetoheal, my story is almost identical but for your exceptional surgery experience, also no skin tag but I do find myself smiling to myself about how my ass is these days! I don't know what I would've done without you boardies, I find I'm on here less and less as I live again and enjoy my girls again, but know that I'm grateful to you and everyone else here who keep this board going, I'm so happy for you that you are better too! I hope people considering surgery are less anxious because there are lots of success stories here, some faster than others but we are a tough lot to get through AF. I'm so glad to be on the other side, finally. I will never take my butt for granted again!

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Re: One month post-LIS

Postby lost » 11 Jun 2011, 09:35

Thank you for the updates, hopetoheal. i have read all your updates prior to my surgery yesterday.. Please keep us informed of your progress.
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Re: One month post-LIS

Postby Deleted User 579 » 12 Jun 2011, 09:24

Thanks Elphie and Lost :D
Elphie - I'm so glad you are enjoying your girls again - keep smiling! I will also never take my butt for granted again either!
Lost - I will definitely continue to post updates in the hopes that they help others. I'm really glad that it seems the story of my torture didn't send you running away from surgery! I know that you are going to recover brillianatly!
I think I may have done a wee bit too much yesterday. Woke up this morning with some stinging pain at the fissure site. The BM was comfortable, but afterward, the stinging pain got much more intense at the fissure and skin tag sites, so I caved in and took a pill for the first time in 2 1/2 weeks. I'm not taking this as a setback, though, but just as part of the healing process. I was told 6-8 weeks and I'm not even at the earliest date I can expect to be healed, so I'm a bit bummed out, but not discouraged! I am still healing, even if I'm in some pain today. At least, that's what I'm telling myself :)
Here's to all of us healing completely very soon! :D
Deleted User 579

Re: One month post-LIS

Postby lost » 12 Jun 2011, 09:28

Hopetoheal, I am sorry you felt some pain this morning. But I wouldn't be too wooried. I have told myself that there will be some stinging and burning along the way. As long as it is no where near the fissure pains and spasms, I know it has to be better, right? Keep up the great attitude.
I hope you have a wonderful day today.
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