Doing your business at work tip

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Doing your business at work tip

Postby ouchtear » 12 Aug 2011, 20:03

It sucks to have to go to the bathroom any place other than home.
Trying never to wipe is the key...If only we had perfect poos...
Here is my tip to help your fissure heal:
This is kinda gross but if you have to go at work bring a baby wipe in a plastic zip lock bag but add some water to the baby wipe in the bag so it is soaked..
After doing the biz wet your finger with the baby wipe and use the finger to gently scoop out the gross stuff.. Then wipe off the finger using a piece of the wet baby wipe. Continue this process until the area is comfortably clean.. And then use the last remaining piece of baby wipe to actually wipe.. Which shouldn't be much left.
So in a sense you are only wiping once.
Yeah the finger is not the most sanitary way but you will not be harming the area. Make sure the finger you use is well manicured and doesn't have a sharp nail on it.
Of course I wash my hands thoroughly afterwards and try not to point to anyone (joking)
This is basically what we do in the bath and the shower.
Your butt will thank you for never wiping.
It may seem undignified and sometimes depressing but I you'll get over it when you feel better during the day..
So what are you waiting for Choose a finger...look at it and apologize to it for what it has to do..
Oh.. one other thing is the plastic bag can get a little loud in the stall and someone may think
your doing drugs or eating lunch (which is grosser)..
Little do they know...
Hang in there people....
I had the LIS 14 months ago.
Fissure is gone but then developed Levator Ani which is almost gone thanks to Gluten Free Diet and Magnesium supplements.
had fissure for about 5 years.
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Re: Doing your business at work tip

Postby Guest » 12 Aug 2011, 22:15

Oh my word, the things we do to keep our butts happy!
I rarely wipe since LIS either. I just want to keep my b-hole happy as possible for life.
You seriously gave me the best laugh of the day besides Kristiblue who wanted to punch her skin tag in the face,Lol. That's great- "pick a finger and apologize to it" Image
I hope your diet and magnesium supplements continue to help your Levator Ani. :) 5 years with a fissure, Wow!

Re: Doing your business at work tip

Postby kristiblue » 13 Aug 2011, 07:30

That is great! I'm pretty sure I know which finger I'd pick since Im so mad at my ass! Image
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Re: Doing your business at work tip

Postby ouchtear » 13 Aug 2011, 09:43

Glad I could cheer you up Dawn..
yeah about 5 years of doctors being wrong..and wrong..
I just read that the average problem to diagnosis of Celiac in Europe is about 6 months on average.. In the USA its about 11 years... The European doctors are more educated on it. Not one GP or CR or Gastro doctor brought up the possiblity ONCE in 5 years.. I had to figure it out myself..
Also there is a link that most people that are Lactose Intolerant are finding that once they go on a gluten free diet the lactose intolerance goes away..
I have been researching this to death lately..
and Krisiblue's which finger you'd pick is a good one..
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Re: Doing your business at work tip

Postby gizmodo » 16 Aug 2011, 15:18

I don't wipe - I "pat." Although I don't have long nails, I'm more afraid of a finger than a wipe - even a piece of toilet paper. At home I just wad up some tp and get it wet and pat with multiple pieces until it's clean, then I very gently pat dry.
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Re: Doing your business at work tip

Postby ouchtear » 16 Aug 2011, 17:32

I tried patting too but it never worked.. I would pat for drying sometimes when I was done... I've even quickly waved a wad of paper back and forth 100 mph like It was fan.. of course deadly close to smacking my jewels..
Patting can be just as irritating for me..
Smooth finger not.
Unless you have really rough fingers..
As long as the finger is lubed with water and you don't force it.
I am not afraid of my finger.. I have told him to shut up and deal with it..
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Re: Doing your business at work tip

Postby gizmodo » 17 Aug 2011, 15:24

LOL! My fingers aren't rough but are bony little sticks. So far, patting isn't irritating me, and I like using cool, moist wads of tp as that's the easiest way for me to get clean. I can see where patting with dry tp could get irritating, so I'm very careful with that and might try the blow dryer on cool.
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Re: Doing your business at work tip

Postby Jojo1 » 18 Oct 2011, 13:56

Just wanted to put my two scents worth in. I started using a travel bidet. Washmate has a real nice one, not too expensive at
I use it each day at work. It's discreet and I can fill it up with nice warm water before going into the stall to rinse when I'm done. Plus, if I wipe, I only use moist wipes. Currently using pampers sensitive wipes (not flushable, but that's okay).
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Re: Doing your business at work tip

Postby Sue1962 » 18 Oct 2011, 17:28

Thank god I don't usually have to go at work. I am a first thing in the morning person. I try not to use tp, usuall get in the shower with the hand held shower head. I love the punch the tag in the face comment. I would love to do that to mine. It has reared it's ugly head!!! So miserable.
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Re: Doing your business at work tip

Postby StevePain » 20 Oct 2011, 04:58

I use cotton wool balls or soft toilet tissue soaked in luke warm water then dab away both externally and partially inside the anus to make sure "all" fecal matter is removed, gross I know, but we all live in a world of gross!
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