diltiazem or nitro or?

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diltiazem or nitro or?

Postby Bottominal Blues » 19 Aug 2011, 20:25

Hi all,
After going to the doctor 3 times and each time him sending me home saying try 2 more weeks I am going on Monday and demanding that he set me on the next phase. He had said he would try nitro cream, but after reading about diltiazem I am wondering if I should ask for that? I have managed to get my BM's under control, they are fine, and there is no more bleeding (well for a week now), the pain is not glass shards anymore, just a quick ouch, BUT, for about 5 hours after I am uncomfortable and can't sit without squirming, it burns and I guess that is the spasms. I have tried Roboxacet (one a day) and I am absolutely addicted to sitting on a heating pad. That is fine now, I am on holiday, but in 2 weeks I start back to work (I am a teacher) and there is no way I will be able to work like this. Can't use a heating pad there and won't be able to concentrate on the little ones. So, suggestions, what cream should I ask for on Monday? Thanks, BB
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Re: diltiazem or nitro or?

Postby Bernie » 20 Aug 2011, 03:34

Out of the two, I'm not sure there's a consensus.
I was given nitro first, which definitely worked BUT gave me such bad headaches, I couldn't look after my kids properly. Then I was given dilt cream, which has been fantastic. When I needed more I was given dilt ointment, and that did itch like hell, even though they're both diltiazem 2%. So now I'm back on the dilt cream, which needs to be kept in the fridge, but it works great for me.
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Re: diltiazem or nitro or?

Postby val » 20 Aug 2011, 12:50

They both do the same job, and different people have different experiences with them. Personally, nitro gave me crashing headaches, but worked better and diltiazem itched unbearably after a few days of using it.
So..a personal choice really, but cant hurt to try it.
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