New here, anal fistula surgery on tuesday, really scared!

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New here, anal fistula surgery on tuesday, really scared!

Postby travis1994 » 06 Jan 2012, 01:24

When I was 14 years old, I was hospitalized for a severe fecal impaction that lasted 16 days. (Doc didn't do anything for me until the last minute) anyways..after that was over with, they gave me a ton of tests, and even a colonoscopy. Everything was great until a few days after coming home I noticed I was leaking from my rear end and had some bleeding from there after BM's. I'm 17, going on 18 now and have never gotten any kind of relief from this, until now. I demanded my doc give me a rectal exam, and he did and he said I have a cavity in my anus which looks like a fistula, so I'm going to have an examination under anesthesia to determine where the fistula is and how deep it is and if they can operate on it without doing damage, they will right then and there. I'm scared to death, I've been reading online at the pain people have from the surgery. After that 16 day impaction when I was 14, I have this thing..where I NEED to go to the bathroom at the same time every morning or I start freaking out. Constipation anxiety I guess you could call it. I'm regular, I just hate the thought of it..anyways, I hear from the pain meds you get after surgery it can constipate you so im scared about scared about having the bowel movements after surgery, and im just gosh darn scared in general! I keep thinking to myself, if this is the cause of my leaking issues and this can fix it, I want it..but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop worrying like the dickens about it. This has caused me so much grief and depression the past 4 years of my teenage life and I want it gone now. I just never thought I'd have a surgeon slice me open down there..not in my wildest NIGHTMARES. Why can't I be like the rest of the kids I know and just break my arm playing basketball... I told my parents to be prepared if I have a heart attack on the way over to the hospital tuesday morning :(
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Re: New here, anal fistula surgery on tuesday, really scared!

Postby Sue1962 » 06 Jan 2012, 06:29

Awww Travis, I am so sorry you are going through all of this, especially at such a young age!!! I know the pain very well and I am having LIS on Monday afternoon. The fear and anxiety go hand in hand with this condition and facing surgery is never easy., I am 49 and also scared, but just think after the first few days, you will start to feel better and you will be on your way to being a normal teenager and pain and leakage free!!! You are not going to have a heart attack, it is just nerves taking over. I am trying to think happy and positive thoughts that soon this will just be a memory. Hang in there sweety things will be fine. There are lots of good threads on here about fistula surgery well worth the read Image
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Re: New here, anal fistula surgery on tuesday, really scared!

Postby sterlingbird » 06 Jan 2012, 06:39

First!! The more you freak the more you stress the worse it gets so look around for tricks that work to relieve stress. The best thing hot baths. But if all you do is sit there and think you stress. I have read more good books sitting in the tub. Put some music in the tub. Drink water water water. My best trick was when having a BM to stretch my feet in front of me. Made it less painful and easier. Prune juice! Use it wisely but it is great. Gotta go to work. Good luck!
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Re: New here, anal fistula surgery on tuesday, really scared!

Postby Guest » 06 Jan 2012, 22:41

I'm sorry you're going through this too Travis. I know it's hard not to be scared when you are facing surgery in that area. I was scared too before having my LIS. There are quite a few folks in here who have had surgery for their fistulas. As the ladies mentioned above- keep up whatever has helped to make your bm's regular and soft. Some folks take softeners for a short time while on the pain meds and healing. I took Miralax with the pain meds and had no problems.
I know you may feel alone, but you aren't!! There have been others on here your age with some butt issues too. I know someone personally who was just a few years older than you who had LIS surgery.
Hang in there! Image

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