Had Lis 10 days ago. Dont think it worked.

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Had Lis 10 days ago. Dont think it worked.

Postby barbedbutt » 16 Sep 2012, 06:44

Hi guys. Although i was suffering for 8 months with a AF (well 2) this is my first post. I had the lis done 10 days ago and I am still off work. My query is, now that the incision site has now stopped hurting, the pain i am left with is my nasty old fissure on the right side still burning like mad.My main pain is when walking. Not when using the loo. So my question really is how will it heal if the main cause of pain is when I walk about, and this is something I obviously cant avoid?. Also was is it just a myth about people getting instant pain relief from Lis because this is not what I had. Should I have had noticeable improvements in these 10 days?

Thanks guys.
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Re: Had Lis 10 days ago. Dont think it worked.

Postby richibeno » 16 Sep 2012, 07:36

hi i had bottox ,and polyp removal ,this is my 6 day post op,same as you i have great pain and burning on the right side of the sphincter,i didnt ask the crs where my fissure was ,mine does eventually calm down but when i do a bm ,all hell breaks loose,
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Re: Had Lis 10 days ago. Dont think it worked.

Postby barbedbutt » 16 Sep 2012, 10:16

Yeah its pretty life wrecking. I was sooooo active before this fissure(s) and now i can barely walk more than 10mins. Really struggling to find the key to getting this to heal.My doc skipped botox as i think its unreliable
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Re: Had Lis 10 days ago. Dont think it worked.

Postby boodles » 23 Sep 2012, 23:06

After my LIS I couldn't really walk for a few days. I did try to get up and get around a little, but I was in pain. I didn't even sit down to pee! I guess if walking is bothering your fissure, try to take it easy for a while. Do you have pain meds? I was prescribed a pain med they give women after childbirth that is supposed to not increase bleeding, unlike nsaids. Sorry I can't remember the name of it, it starts with a K though. :)
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Re: Had Lis 10 days ago. Dont think it worked.

Postby Bumpkin » 24 Sep 2012, 16:30

Boodles - Was the pain med called Ketorolac?
BarbedButt - I had my LIS 10 days ago. I was hoping to be one of those people whose pain magically disappears the day after surgery, but that hasn't been the case.
The pain is up and down. I'm acutely aware of the LIS site, especially during a BM, and I have aching & spasms on that entire side of my rear after a BM that sometimes lasts all day long. I don't feel the fissure site anymore...but maybe it's just overshadowed by the LIS site?
I guess depending on the particulars of your fissure, it may be a while before it completely heals. Mine wasn't very long or deep.
Best wishes for quick healing!
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Re: Had Lis 10 days ago. Dont think it worked.

Postby barbedbutt » 25 Sep 2012, 11:30

Hi Bumpkin Wow your story is so identical to mine I almost thought i had wrote your comment!!. I unfortuatly have really started noticing spasm ache after i tried to go to work and sat on it all day. It was so bad that i thought i might have an infection, and spent the whole weekend at the hospital. Nothing has come of that so far which is good. On antibiotics just incase though. Really annoyed i am still off work into my third week of recovery though. THis surgery just doesnt suit a desk job!!!
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Re: Had Lis 10 days ago. Dont think it worked.

Postby Bumpkin » 25 Sep 2012, 15:27

You spent the whole weekend in the hospital? Wow. Good to hear you haven't developed an infection. I've been on two antibiotics since the LIS, yet I still have this obsession over getting an infection. :roll:
So, this was my experience yesterday: I had a BM and then spent the entire day aching and in spasms. I took 1 Norco (10mg hydrocodone/325mg acetaminophen), which usually makes me very loopy. Not only did it not make me loopy, it didn't affect the aching/spasms at all. So, I took 600mg ibuprofen. Same thing...no effect.
Later in the day, I was feeling desperate but didn't want to take any more pain pills...which weren't helping anyway. My husband suggested I take the valium that my dr prescribed (which I haven't taken since the day of my surgery). I think he really just wanted me to chill out and stop complaining about all my aches & pains. Overall, he's been very understanding, but ANYONE (except AF boardies! Image ) would get sick of hearing about the ups & downs of fissures and surgical recovery after 10 months. Anyway, I took the valium and guess what?!? It did the trick. No more spasms. I was able to make dinner and have a normal evening. And today...I haven't had to take anything at all. I'm sooooo cautiously happy about it! This is the first day since surgery that I haven't really needed anything to calm down the pain.
Has your dr prescribed anything for you for the pain? Narcotics or anti-anxiety meds?? My belief is that you should not have to suffer with endless amounts of pain when there are things that can help. If the valium didn't work for me, I was going to call my CRS to see what else we could try. I was even thinking about asking for a muscle relaxer. Image
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Re: Had Lis 10 days ago. Dont think it worked.

Postby Grateful Al » 09 Oct 2012, 11:05

Hi Bumpkin, hows the healing going??? Best, Al :)
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Bumpkin Update! :)

Postby Bumpkin » 10 Oct 2012, 16:07

Heeeey Al! Image
I know it's been awhile. I've been really busy job searching and doing some volunteer work. I guess that means I'm feeling better! Image
I think the last time I posted was after my 1-week post op appointment. Well, I've had 2 appointments since then. I basically see my CRS every single Friday. She doesn't let me wander too far off.
In general, I've been feeling better every day, with some little quirks here & there. Up until the past day or so, I was still having a tiny bit of brown mucousy, slightly bloody discharge...enough to warrant inserting a piece of gauze between my bum cheeks 24/7.
Something weird started to happen during my 2nd week of recovery. I would have my morning BM, and then a few hours later I would leak watery BM contents. Not a whole lot, but enough to soak the piece of gauze. I would change the gauze and be fine for the rest of the day...a little brown mucous discharge here & there, but no biggie. So at my 2-week post op appt, I let the doc do the exam without telling her about this annoyance...because I just wanted to see if she noticed anything weird. She said I was healing but there was a little pocket forming next to the LIS site which was holding a little stool :roll: . Once she told me that, everything made sense, because the release would only happen once I started moving about my day, driving, walking, etc. BM was getting stuck in there, and then coming out after some pressure and movement. She wasn't TOO concerned, but wanted me stay on the antibiotics just in case because the pocket means it'll take a little longer to heal Image. She also wanted me to squirt some water up there with a medicine dropper after BMs. I did the squirting a few times, but I never got a return flow of contents, so I stopped doing it and hoped for the best. My mind starting going to dark places...like infections and abscesses. However, the delayed release of watery BM contents stopped after a few days, so I was hopeful that would be the end of that.
I had my 3rd post op appt this past Friday and she said the pocket was healed over! She told me I no longer needed the antibiotics, and that there was still some healing going on, but I was looking good! What a huge relief!
The very next day, I was doing some manual labor...squatting, picking up boxes, carrying things up stairs...and when I went to the bathroom later that night I noticed BLOOD...like bright red dripping kind of blood. Image I freaked out for about 5 minutes, realized there was no pain associated with the bleeding, and kept an eye on it for the next 24 hours. That was 4 days ago, and haven't had any more bloody incidents.
At this point, I'm almost 4 weeks out and I'm having amazingly painless BMs ( Image ), no pain at any other time, and only slight pinkish watery discharge after BMs...enough to insert a piece of gauze for an hour or two after, but then I can go w/o gauze for the rest of the day. The brown mucousy discharge stopped the other day (THANK GOODNESS...I thought that was going to be my personal level of incontinence due to the LIS and was actually content with that). The only real sensation at this point is a little muscle twinge when I cough or laugh really hard. It's hard to explain. It's not pain, but just a realization that *something* is there.
So Al...how is your recovery coming along??? I hope it's been uneventful! :D
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Re: Had Lis 10 days ago. Dont think it worked.

Postby Grateful Al » 15 Oct 2012, 14:11

Hi Bumpkin, Im glad to hear that you cleared up your "pocket" issue and that you now on a consistent road to recovery!!! Image
Its amazing, that your experiences with the discharge and slight "Skid Marks" after a BM are very similar to mine. After my morning BM i would clean then pack the 4x4 gauze...There would always be a small dime size slight amount remnant of this yucky discharge after a few hours on the gauze Image ....I still am making sure I have the gauze in between my cheeks during the day and night...Its seem that the more active i am during the day, the more drainage, mucousy brownish discharge I get. Over all, the amount is diminishing but someday's its more than others. I also am curious if that will be my personal level of incontinence which is also fine compared to my prior pain of the AF or whether it will get better as i regain "butt control"...
As far as my healing, It seems to be getting better for me with each passing day. The only tenderness and discomfort I still get is during my BMs which I still feel a slight "stinging" to my BM passing. Thankfully that subsides immediately after my BM and "moist towel wipe down" (which if I may add has become easier and easier with each day).. .My only slight concern is that sting when I pass stool and that slight sting when passing gas......I don't know if that is normal or not.. Image .
Its been just over 4 weeks since my LIS and I feel 95.5 percent better...I just hope that darn fissure heals completely. I don't have as many follow ups with my CRS as you do. Maybe I should go more often as my next appt isn't until the 23rd of October....
Please keep me posted on your progress Bumpkin..I think our LIS surgeries where the same week and having this parallel comparative recovery has been really helpful for me..Thank you... Image ...Blessings to you Bumpkin! :) Grateful Al
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