New, in pain and 12 weeks pregnant

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New, in pain and 12 weeks pregnant

Postby Kazzy » 25 Apr 2013, 20:57

Hello. So I have had a fissure that has flared up a few times since Jan 2009, while taking painkiller for a surgery and not taking a stool softener. In the past I would avoid eating, go as liquid as possible, and it would heal up. In 2010 I was pg with my son and I tried my usual, no eating, baths after BM, and applying a mixture of extra strength zinc-A&D ointment- Tronolane. Not eating while pg caused me to almost pass out in a Walgreens. I got it under control though and no issues since then. Each time it would last a week or so.
Fast forward to now and I am pg again. None of the normal side effect but this time I was constipated, hence my current fissure. This time however I am in pain and bleeding for a couple days, then pain a couple more and then for a week or so I am ok. This has been going on for 8 weeks now. I went to a CRS and it was a confirmed fissure, in the back, and he prescribed hydrocortisone cream 2.5% and lidocane 3%. The lidocane was crazy expensive. He wants me to mix them and three times a day insert them up to the second knuckle. It took a couple days for the pharmacy to get in the lidocane. The first time I tried to insert the meds, I was pretty pain free. Within min of trying to insert the finger I hurt, the next day I started bleeding and bled for 5 days.
That is when I found this forum. I took a vacation day on a Friday. I woke up at 7:30 am and at 9:30 am took a Tylenol PM and slept till 4:30 pm. Later that night I took another Tylenol PM and on sat I did it all over again. By Sunday I felt human again. During this time, if I was awake I tried the coconut oil I saw here. Normally right now I am high fiber diet, fiber twice a day (Metamucil type in pill form) and 3 stool softeners a day. I was good for a week but I guess I fell off the wagon and did not get enough fiber or water or something but this Sunday I got constipated again and now I am back in the pain cycle. I called the CRS to ask if there were any tips to getting the meds in cause I bled and could I get in to see them again sooner than a month. They said they wait a month, I just have to start with the pinkie and get used to being able to get to the index finger, and to stop taking Epsom salt baths, just plain ones.
I had an OB appt on Wed, the baby is great but I was in so much pain I could not get through the appointment. I cannot take this for the rest of a pregnancy. I have a very stressful job in the summer that requires me to be present, and yet when I am in pain I can't think about anything but stoping the pain.
I am so sad about this all and honestly it is taking away from enjoying this pregnancy. I love this child but I don't want this to be all I remember, KWIM. On top of it all today is my 3 year wedding anniversary and I am in my bedroom crying and in pain, and can't even think about going out to dinner. My husband even in advance took a day off from work tomorrow to take me out for a surprise lunch and my but ruined that too.
Sorry to lay that all on you all, you don't even know me but I had to tell someone who might understand :-(
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Re: New, in pain and 12 weeks pregnant

Postby mumzy2 » 25 Apr 2013, 22:10

Hi i am new on here too. I feel your pain :( It must be super hard being pregnant and have a tear. I know that when i was preg i was consipated also, mainly due to the iron tablets i was on. I dont really have any advice sorry, just try and have a water bottle close by and try and drink heaps of water, and keep up the high fibre diet. With regards to inserting meds, mine come with a little nossle thing that you screw on to the tube, its much thinner than your pinkie and is pretty easy to insert, perhaps you could ask for one at the chemist. I have had mine for over a year now and am getting a colonoscopy done in 5 weeks to check things out then if all going well i go back for a dialation under general. Have been on the waiting list for the past few months so am glad to get an appointment but just wish it would hurry up! All the best :)
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Re: New, in pain and 12 weeks pregnant

Postby Savaici » 26 Apr 2013, 12:04

Welcome to the forum Kazzy, and sorry that you are in such pain. We all know the situation of wanting to go out and celebrate and all is held back as our wretched rears hurt.
I can imagine how difficult it is to insert the medication up to your second knuckle Image . Doctors who have not had a fissure can't quite understand the pain we get...
What I would suggest is getting some hemorrhoid OTC medication (such as Preparation H), and using the little nozzle that fits on it to put the meds you got from the doctor up. Just slather the outside of the nozzle, and try that.
We all try different things, and this is the one that worked for me when I needed it.
Thinking of you! Image
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Re: New, in pain and 12 weeks pregnant

Postby Just 'Pain' Tired » 26 Apr 2013, 15:34

So sorry to hear of your struggles--especially while pregnant!! I'm finally doing a little better after months of agony--there are lots of helpful tips on this site! One mistake I made was to take the advice from my medical providers to eat a high-fiber diet, I went over-board. I was eating high fiber cereal and taking Metamucil. This basically made 'brick-like' stools which hurt like heck. After getting advice here on eating more soluble versus insoluble fiber, things are going better! I do take a Colace in the morning and avoid constipating foods (white rice, cheese, etc), I think using healthy oils is making a difference as well. You should definitely figure out what helps you to have softer poops!! As far the ointments, I got used to applying using my finger, but not up to the second knuckle!!! Just inside a little bit. Is your fissure that far inside? I couldn't find finger cots so I take rubber gloves and cut off the fingers. Lie on your left side with your right knee bent/forward and RELAX, then insert the ointments, gently. You can also try the nozzle as suggested above, I tried that as well, but found my method easy and quick. Sorry you couldn't enjoy your anniversary more this year. I'm so thankful my husband has been very patient--I find it hard to be interested in romance when dealing with so much misery! Here's hoping you can help your body turn things around soon! Image
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Re: New, in pain and 12 weeks pregnant

Postby Miss K » 28 Apr 2013, 15:00

Hi Kazzy, congratulations on the baby :) Sad to hear about yr fissure though - look I agree with others that trying to insert the medication that far will probably cause more harm than good, mostly because the risk of re-tearing it is probably quite high. My understanding is that the medication is there to assist with healing, it doesn't heal it in and of itself and the goal is to stop it from tearing.
I think I also would struggle to even get my finger in that far let along get the cream onto the fissure! Also I don't know if hydrocortisone is something that's maybe worked for you in the past, but I didn't find it made much of a difference at all when I used it. I spoke to a second doctor who prescribed Rectogesic (I think called nitroglycerin in the US), which seems to be the preferred medication for fissures by people here and most Colorectal specialists. But yeah maybe if you have hemmoroids too it could be the right one for you.
I hope the problem resolves quickly so you get a chance to enjoy yr pregnancy. I have trouble going out sometimes too, but find bringing along a small cushion to sit on which helps with the pressure.
I do think a big part of this condition is the emotional battle and exhaustion that comes with having pain for a long period of time. I have personally found working with a therapist on relaxation exercises/meditation to be very very useful in managing that pain if it helps for you also.
Best wishes and take care
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Re: New, in pain and 12 weeks pregnant

Postby marg6043 » 02 May 2013, 19:19

Kazzy hi there, I am so sorry that you are having fissure problems and trying to enjoy your pregnancy while feeling down and in pain.
You seem to know what to do to help with the fissure discomfort, but you can not let your guard down, at the same time you have to be careful with what you take for pain because of you growing fetus.
Now, because you episodes of constipation are making the fissure angry you have to get a routine that will be comfortable for you to avoid getting hard stool and stick with it.
Before having a BM make sure you lubricate the anal area, vaseline, coconut oil or any other natural oil will help.
You can take a Q-tip and gently get vaseline in the area, after the BM, you can use baby desitin to help with the irritation.
All this will help but the main thing is to keep those stools soft and easy to pass.
I hope you get better and get this fissure under control so you can get back to enjoy your pregnancy. Image Image
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