nipedifine? please help me!

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nipedifine? please help me!

Postby Guest » 03 Jan 2008, 15:58

Hello - I am a new mom who acquired fissures shortly after birth. I think these are worse than any part of labor because there doesn't seem to be an end in sight! I am so tired of being afraid of the bathroom, being in such pain and bleeding. I have had them now for 7 weeks. They are interfering with taking care of my newborn because walking/sitting/standing all hurts.
I went to a proctologist 3 weeks ago who gave me nipedifine. It seemed to be working but then I got terribly sick with a hacking cough and I think this opened up the fissures again.
I was wondering who has had good luck w/ the nipedifine? How long did it take to make a full recovery using it? Did you do anything in addition to using it? I am using Colace and fiber.
I have also heard to try Tinactin? Anyone try this with any success?
Thanks so much, only people who suffer from fissures understand how debilitating they really are.

Re: nipedifine? please help me!

Postby buttgirl » 03 Jan 2008, 16:26

Welcome to the forum!
I have used nifedipine and it seems to help a little. I have also used nitro with the same result.
What seems to really work for me is glucomannan for fiber, probiotics, a daily overdose of evening primrose oil, rutin, and either Milk of Magnesia or Mineral Oil. Colace had very little effect on me and grain fibers were binding and scratchy onthe way out. The goal is to keep the poos as soft and smooth as possible so they don't reinjure you on the way out.
Others will be along shortly with great tips. Browse the forums and you will find more info too.
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Re: nipedifine? please help me!

Postby Guest » 03 Jan 2008, 16:42

Welcome to the board. I know how hard it is to be in pain with a new baby. It overshadows everything.

I used a similar cream and it healed me after 4 months. I also took about 3-4 hot baths a day to help speed up healing. I also was very careful about what I ate. All Bran Buds with soy milk helped me, probiotics, milk of magnesia, miralax, flaxseed and fish oil supplements.
You might want to add one of these to your game plan and see how it does.

There are tons of threads on here with lots of information that can help you and we can support you when you are feeling down. :hotair:

Re: nipedifine? please help me!

Postby Deleted User 5 » 03 Jan 2008, 16:49

I used the nefedipine and it really helps, though the "cure" rate for it is only about 50-67%. Regardless of whether you're cured or not, it can go a long way in helping you manage the pain. It didn't cure my fissure, but I noticed that the one time I stopped using it my pain levels shot up.
Deleted User 5

Re: nipedifine? please help me!

Postby Guest » 03 Jan 2008, 17:38

Hello new mom,
I have used Nefedipine also. I started having problems last May '07. It did help me with the pain. I also drink alot of water and added fiber to my diet. My diet changed drastically. I eat alot of fruits ,veggies, wheat bread , soy milk and bran cereals. Believe me this was a blessing in a way for me ( I can't believe I just said that) but it was becuase I was eating very unhealthy that got me this darn AF. I agree with Lecia at least 3 baths a day. I use Colace and take Flax seed oil caps, fish oil and acidopholis everday. Don't get discouraged when you read through the forum. Everyone has different stories and we all heal at a different pace. Let us know if you have any more questions. I hope I was helpfull.

Re: nipedifine? please help me!

Postby bherna1 » 03 Jan 2008, 22:24

I am sorry for your illlness and challenge. I have the same issue but not dealing with a baby as your are. I have a fissure and absess.
Have you tried using non scented wipes to wipe yourself? TP will aggreviate the fissure as i have found. Wiping gently i have found helps.
Please let me know if you need additional advise. Please get well soon and I am so sorry you are in a situation of pain and taking care of a baby. It must be a huge challenge. Congrads on your new baby! Please take care,
new mom in pain wrote:Hello - I am a new mom who acquired fissures shortly after birth. I think these are worse than any part of labor because there doesn't seem to be an end in sight! I am so tired of being afraid of the bathroom, being in such pain and bleeding. I have had them now for 7 weeks. They are interfering with taking care of my newborn because walking/sitting/standing all hurts.
I went to a proctologist 3 weeks ago who gave me nipedifine. It seemed to be working but then I got terribly sick with a hacking cough and I think this opened up the fissures again.
I was wondering who has had good luck w/ the nipedifine? How long did it take to make a full recovery using it? Did you do anything in addition to using it? I am using Colace and fiber.
I have also heard to try Tinactin? Anyone try this with any success?
Thanks so much, only people who suffer from fissures understand how debilitating they really are.
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Re: nipedifine? please help me!

Postby val » 04 Jan 2008, 10:55

So sorry you're in pain, having a baby is painful enough, having a fissure too, must be dreadful, especially when its supposed to be a happy time.
I used diltiazem, and that really helped with the pain.
And sitting on a hot water bottle helps too. I aso use ice after BM, then jump in a hot bath with epsom salts in, which really helps too.
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Re: nipedifine? please help me!

Postby Guest » 04 Jan 2008, 13:35

thank you everyone. I think it really helps to have someone to talk to who really understands. I also like to hear that it is possible to recover and heal, although the length of time it takes is a bit daunting......
thanks again! my goal is to be pain free at the end of my maternity leave - end of January! wish me luck!

Re: nipedifine? please help me!

Postby Guest » 04 Jan 2008, 13:44

Your body has been through a lot-giving birth without any complications is hard on the body and having this on top of it is no fun. I do hope that you are feeling better by the end of the month. Keep using the cream, keep your bms soft and perhaps that is all that is needed.

Good Luck!!! :kids:

Re: nipedifine? please help me!

Postby Guest » 04 Jan 2008, 13:47

Welcome to the board :)
Sorry to hear you're going through this, especially with a new baby in the house.
I hope you find something that works for you, we all seem to be different in what works for us, but there is soooo much info on this forum.
I completely understand what you mean when you say it helps to have someone understand, I really don't think anyone could guess how much pain a fissure causes.
Good luck with your healing, and many congratulations on your new baby
Helen xx

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