Should have had the surgery years ago !

Please help others by posting your success story here. Tell us what worked for you, before you move on with your fissure-free life!!

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Postby Loves Tennis » 25 Nov 2013, 18:26

I never ever believed that one day I would be here typing my success story. And in the end it was really quite simple.........I had LIS surgery with an amazing surgeon and it has literally given me back my life. From day one it was as if a switch was switched off and the pain was gone. I never ever thought I could actually "enjoy" going to the loo again. I now believe that I was too tight and the surgery just eased my BM's and it's wonderful.

I suffered from a chronic AF on and off for 4 years At times it was literally hell.........I had to give up my job, my family suffered There were days when I thought why on earth can I go on living with this pain. I had tried EVERYTHING, you name it, every cream, potion..........Acupuncture did help to ease the spasm pain, I also had 4 attempts at botox which at the beginning did work but the last two actually made the condition worse. I changed my diet and started taking a supplement called Puka Triphalia you get it in the Health Shop, it 's a type of dried powered fruit and it makes your pooh v soft. That made a huge difference to me. So lots of fruit, water, exercise and I take two Triphalia a day. I have kept up that regime since the LIS surgery and my BM just slip out, its a joy !!

Please if you are considering LIS surgery, do not be afraid, it is not at all as bad as I expected, in fact it was so much better and I only wish I had, had it done years ago. It would have saved me years of misery and also my family from having to live with me in constant pain and spending my life sitting for hours on an exercise ball after a BM.

Its been 7 weeks since my surgery and I have not had ANY fissure pain since then. Yes the incision site was a little sore at first and the skin is still a little tender but overall it's been a great experience. So if any of you live in Ireland and need the name of an excellent surgeon just ask me his name and I will be delighted to let you now.

Sending out healing to you all

p.s by the way I have had absolutely no problems with soiling or incontinence - I am aware that as soon as I get the message in my brain to "go" I don't hang around and go !
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Postby Ever the Optimist » 27 Nov 2013, 04:06

It's really great and reassuring to read posts like this because so many people say if only they had had LIS sooner! Of course, some have issues but for many, it really is life-changing and it's so great to read how well you are doing now.
Thanks so much for coming back to offer hope & inspiration to many others and for your reassurement to everyone too.
Triphalia sounds really interesting! I am very interested in trying that out for myself so thanks again for mentioning this and I just hope that this whole issue becomes a distant memory for you very soon. All the very best to you :)
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
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Postby rio » 27 Nov 2013, 04:41

L.Tennis I am so glad to hear about success with your LIS and hope you will stay pain free forever. It gives us much needed hope for future recovery. :mademeday:
Disabling burning, drilling pain in anal area for almost a year, started after UT infection. Small anal fissure diagnosed, turned out it is probably not the cause of pain, MRI shows no inflammation or fistula. Grateful to forum members for support.
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Postby Loves Tennis » 27 Nov 2013, 04:43

:bouncer: Hi Ever the Optimist...........I actually had to set up a new A/C to write my success story, I used to sign in under Positive Girl but for some reason it won't let me log in.........but getting back to the matter in hand, the Pukka Triphala is marvellous stuff, even before the surgery I had gotten myself into a much better place. Regular bowel movements, easy to pass and had the pain down from a 10 to about a 1.........but that last stinging, annoying pain never went away until I had the LIS. Thank God for great surgeons. I had been to a few but he was the only one who said I can change your life, I can fix you and he did. I am back for my post op check tomorrow so it will be interesting to see if the fissure has healed, certainly I don't even know its there at this point........surgeon says it was a "humdinger" of a fissure perfect example of a chronic case, would have been perfect to show his students !!!!!!! Anyway, I really appreciate your reply and wish you good luck and all those out there suffering as I did for 4 years.........yes it is becoming a distant memory, thank goodness. Take care
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Postby Ever the Optimist » 27 Nov 2013, 09:09

Thanks Positive Girl! I'm sure I remember the name :)
ALL the very best tomorrow and hoping you get the magical "You're healed" ! tomorrow - If not, you are at least in a much better place now for continuing to do so........LOL, the perfect fissure! - Makes them sound almost acceptable!!!
All the very best :)
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
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Postby returnofpuzzledbutt » 06 Dec 2013, 14:28

Hi love tennis! I come from n.ireland. I have had botox just the once but wod like to put an end to this hell! In the last few days i feel im getting another fissure and im just sick to the stomach! Wats ut surgeons name? Congrats on ur success i love to read there is really an end to this hell!
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Postby Loves Tennis » 06 Dec 2013, 14:39

Hi returnofpuzzledbutt ! I understand where u are coming from..........I suffered on/off for 4 years...........My surgeon's name is Prof Ronan O'Connell and he is attached to St. Vincents University Hospital in Dublin. I actually ended up going to him privately.....paid for initial visit and for follow up visit but my health insurance paid for the procedure in the Private hospital. If you need numbers I can PM you. Best of luck, I had been through three other surgeons and to be honest they just didn't get it.....You do need to end this hell as it's a horrible place to be !
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Postby returnofpuzzledbutt » 07 Dec 2013, 05:45

Thank u so much loves tennis, can i ask u a personal question? After suffering so long with fissures did u develope any lumps, bumps or rashs down below? Every period i have now i seem to get some kind of sore bump or two, dont know wat it is or mayb just run down?? Thank u so much for ur reply its very helpful to me.
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Postby Loves Tennis » 07 Dec 2013, 11:29

Hi Returnofpuzzledbutt........ I get what I call my "nappy rash" down there all the time and yes I do also get bumpy sometimes and soooooo itchy, I find if I don't use Sudocream it goes crazy at times. I have really fine skin and it's v sensitive and really believe that this has contributed to me having a fissure. By any chance are you fair skinned ? I am v pale / blonde colouring and don't take the sun well, surgeon said my skin was v're telling me !!!!
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Postby returnofpuzzledbutt » 07 Dec 2013, 13:23

Yes l.t my skin is pale i would take prickly heat rash in the sun and burn easy. L.t u suffered for 4yrs with fissures, was it the one fissure or did others come? Thank u so much
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