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fissure AND piles

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Hi from a new member

Postby Benny Lee » 16 Mar 2016, 10:55

Hi all

Good to read many of the helpful posts on here, I've been a silent observer for some time. I exercise a lot, drink lot of water, don't eat red meat, or, for the most part, white flour (just to prefix my perhaps familiar tale!).

First fissure, acute, was three years ago. Has 'waxed and waned ' since then. I have a small, healing fissure(at present - it varies from week to week, was open two weeks ago after I was a bit rough with toilet paper), and now have excruciating haemorrhoids too. Am awaiting an appointment date with NHS for sphincterotomy, although this week my CRS said he couldnt see the fissure on this occasion, but I believe I am getting the operation all the same, he said 'there's probably a fissure in there somewhere' (even tho he saw a small 'high' one in Jan, and ruled out fistulas) and I am now awaiting a date from his secretary (tho I read somewhere if a fissure heals, the NHS don't operate - not much good for us chronic sufferers who are up and down, if that's so!). I have been taking movicol for a few months since the fissure reappeared properly, and tried moving over to lactulose two weeks ago as was worried I may have been ingesting too much potassium (tho GP was sceptical), but the lactulose was a bit liquid-inducing, and made me sore, and gave me this haemorrhoid flare up the pain of which seems worse than the chronic fissure has been of late. I also refused the offer of botox this week, as have been feeling LIS long-term is the better option, and the CRS saw them as two separate routes, plus he cited a roughly 98 per cent lack of AF re-occurrence rate, compared to 60-85 for botox. I now slightly regret not having the injections I was scheduled for however, as might have been feeling better by now... I have all but given up on creams though have some proctosedyl ointment for the external (or just slightly internal) piles, and diltiazem for fissure. Being on an SSRI, I can't take ibuprofen either. Sitz baths, ice pack, movicol (one sachet, half am, half eve), paracetamol, and two sachets of fybogel daily, not to mention lots of water and fiber (rye breads, fruit, veggies), cycling, jogging, are how I am treating this. I haven't cut out dairy yet... (have tried, previously, but tempted back each time)

A period of time I blame for my current troubles was my overuse, over say 6 months a couple of years ago, of glyceryl suppositories - my lower bowel just lost the motivation to do anything itself. If I don't take movicol now for a day it kinda feels like the same story, no movements, and then constipation. How wretched I feel sometimes over-relying on these things. It hasn't all been doom or gloom - a year or so ago I was having regular easygoing BMs, with only very faint spasm, or pile pain briefly afterwards.

Does anyone know if the LIS operation decreases likelihood of getting haemorrhoids too? ( I feel my unwillingness to 'stretch' during BMs has helped haemorrhoids appear, even if it has, in last week, helped the fissure to superficially heal). I know piles need bulky soft stools to heal, whereas AFs perhaps a little 'thinner'. Anyone got any advice on how to move forward conservative management-wise, finding a route through 'the twin beasts' of fissure and piles?
Benny Lee
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Re: Hi from a new member

Postby Manitourose » 24 Mar 2016, 13:56

Hey Benny Lee -Sorry for the late response! Sounds like you are doing a lot to help your fissure woes, even exercising. Good for you!

I can't comment to the correlation between LIS and reduced hemorrhoids. Perhaps a look on "Google Scholar" may lead to some research or mention in some way. I'd imagine though even with LIS, if the bowel movements aren't regular and easier to pass that it can increase hemorrhoids or stress in that area.

Are you having issues with dairy? Knowing it's causing constipation or diarrhea? You mention being tempted back to it, it sure can be tempting. :) When we are intolerant to something it sure can wreck havoc, definitely something to chat with your GP, Gastro doc or dietitian/nutritionist about. Your colorectal specialist may not think much of it but if you are having recurrent fissures and some dairy issues, may well be worth investigating.

Wish I could say more. I know the NHS can be challenging and I hope you are able to get answers. Keep peaking around on the board too using the search function on the top right. Lots of people with experience with fissures and hemmies, and some who had their care as well with the NHS.
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Re: Hi from a new member

Postby chachacha » 26 Mar 2016, 11:47

From my experience, I can tell you that my prolapsing hemmies all but disappeared immediately after having LIS. My surgeon didn't now why they did though, so maybe it's not common. I'd had two huge, prolapsing hemmies about the size and consistency of half full-size marshmallows for years before the surgery, and no longer have that issue. I actually still have the hemmies, I can feel them swell up after each movement, but they don't come outside any more.
Fissure since about 2007
Fissure diagnosed in 2011
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Re: Hi from a new member

Postby Benny Lee » 08 Apr 2016, 08:27

thanks for the responses. actually, it seems I don't have piles, but have an active fissure on the inner left side of the anus, and TWO healing/healed fissures (one of which I knew about, at the 12 o'clock, and 6 o'clock ends of the anus). I blame it on a year or two of pruritus. I would wake in the middle of the night to find I was furiously scratching my butt! Let's just say my nails are these days are pared to the quick. Oh my!
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