Post anal fissure surgery

Cannot sit down:( A cushion after anal fissure surgery

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Post anal fissure surgery

Postby Aliaa » 18 Sep 2016, 04:57

I am now off surgery 2 months. I am having better BM than before. But I still feel the anus part feels like being STRETCHED or pressed. Something like that, you know, as if I want to go BM now but nothing comes out. I am not constipated though. I cannot sit directly on my bottom. Have you been feeling that after surgery?! Is it normal?! And how long does it take to be able to sit properly (directly) on the bottom?! Did u use any cushions to sit on?! I am so worried. I'll start college after a week and I don't know how I am going to sit in class?! I will be very grateful if u help me
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Re: Post anal fissure surgery

Postby Buttpalsteven » 18 Sep 2016, 05:33

Hi Aliaa,

I'm glad that your BM are better now and I'm sad that you are experiencing pain and unable to sit. It seems that the healing process is very different for every one, I had an LIS done 4 weeks ago. However, I've been able to sit normal since 2 weeks after the operation. I encourage you to contact your surgeon (not necessarily for a check up, I realize that costs $$) and see if they can recommend anything.

Regarding the stretched feeling during a BM I have that too. It is a very strange feeling!

What is your pain like? Is it throbbing from your surgical wound or does it feel like your previous AF?

I highly recommend taking sitz baths if you can. I found those to bring me some relief.

Hope you find relief before school starts!
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Re: Post anal fissure surgery

Postby Aliaa » 18 Sep 2016, 05:55

Hi Buttpalsteven
I am glad you have responded, I needed someone to cheer me up a bit. To be honest, I don't know the type of surgery I have done. It was done within 3-4 min. My lower part was only numbed but I am conscious to what is going on and smelled a burning smell. It was not painful at all due to anesthesia but once its effect stops, I start feeling a terrible pain. My first 3 weeks were a complete disaster, I was heavely constipated. After a month and half, I started feeling normal. But out of no where I developed a minor tailbone fistula. This is nearly healed through antibiotics now. However the "stretch" feeling of the anus is still there. I don't feel it when I go BM. My BM is kinda normal. I feel it when I sit down. Like an uncomfortable feeling. It is not throbbing now though it was like that a while ago but not now. Yo know, when you sit for a very long time and suddenly stands up. U kinda feel your butt as if pressed and start doing a bit of stretching. It is just like that with the difference that I feel it after sitting only 5 min or less, or even without sitting at all. I feel it suddenly. But it is very noticeable when I sit. Did u get me?! Sorry for prolonging. I just wanna it clear.
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Re: Post anal fissure surgery

Postby Buttpalsteven » 18 Sep 2016, 06:14

Hi there,

That's interesting, I'm not sure what type of procedure you had. Someone else on here will hopefully be more insightful as I imagine we had different procedures. My surgery was also only a few minutes but LIS involves the doctor making an incision on your internal sphincter to increase blood flow to your external sphincter (which is where anal fissures are located). I share this with you to see if that sounds like what you had done?

I'm sorry to hear about the fistula, that is an entirely another beast and is likely related to a lot of the things you are experiencing now. I'm not experienced with fistulas so my help here is mostly useless!

The feeling you are experiencing though (that strain on your butt) is completely normal after surgery. I imagine you are just having residual effects from some of the complications you had after your surgery.

Sorry I can't be of more help. It sounds like you are doing all of the right things though, especially since you have seeked treatment for the fistula. This might be useless advice as you might already be doing it, but keep taking stool softeners and fiber. I'd encourage you to take sitz baths too. Maybe between all of that you can find relief. Don't be afraid to call your surgeon if things don't feel right - you want to make sure you are healing correctly!

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Re: Post anal fissure surgery

Postby Aliaa » 18 Sep 2016, 06:21

Thanks Steven. I hope you are much better yourself. You can keep us updated. It is comforting :))

I read that on the Internet but unfortunately after doing my surgery. So I have no idea if it is that or not. Anyway, thanks for the reply
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Re: Post anal fissure surgery

Postby Aliaa » 18 Sep 2016, 16:49

Hey Steven! I am just wondering if you have any idea if fissures may reoccur after the surgery?! And for how long should we use stool softener after surgery?!
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Re: Post anal fissure surgery

Postby Buttpalsteven » 19 Sep 2016, 01:35

Hi there!

It is hard to tell, if you can I'd call your doctor's office to ask the name of the procedure you had done. You could also contact your insurance company as they could tell you what procedure you had done. If you smelled burning, it's possible the doc just cauterized your fissure. I'm not versed on that subject but if you search on here there are others who have discussed it. Myself and the others on here might be able to better advise you based on what you had done.

If you had what I had done (where the doctor cuts your internal sphincter muscle), it is called a lateral internal sphincterotomy (lis).

Unfortunately, the LIS surgery only really does two things - it helps heal any chronic fissure that you have.. and it helps heal new fissures that you get very quickly but the surgery doesn't reduce your risk of obtaining a fissure, at least from my understanding. So it's important to keep hydrated and ensure a high fiber diet if you can.

Regarding your second question, I know that another possible concern is that some doctors are too conservative during the LIS surgery and don't cut your internal sphincter as much as they should have. In this case, the doctor will have to perform another LIS to reduce your internal sphincter pressure. Hopefully this is not the case though and you are just on the roller coaster ride of healing!

My doc prescribed me stool softeners for 2 months.. however, I am going to stop taking them now (1 month in) as I am hopefully healed enough now to see if I can handle my old life style. Since you are still experiencing discomfort I highly recommend staying on them. I know they can be inconvenient to take but if it keeps everything soft, maybe you can heal faster!! ☺
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Re: Post anal fissure surgery

Postby Rcece » 26 Sep 2016, 17:58

Hi Steve,

Have had an anal fissure for about 4-5 months now. Tried all the creams, sitz baths, etc, and cant get it to heal completely. Im seeing a specialist tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday. If you had to go through the whole process again (knowing what you now) are there any questions you would ask the Dr? I want to be super prepared. gut is telling me I need LIS and Im really nervous. Im not so worried about pain but I have a bad phobia with anethesia. The whole idea of being put to sleep and not being aware of everything makes me really anxious (always has). How was the 1st day and 2nd day after the procedure? I have read the actual operation is really quick. Some of them said they had absolutely no pain and had significant pain relief following the surgery. Not sure how thats possible. Others have complained of major pain. Where did you fall in all that? Thanks for any input.
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Re: Post anal fissure surgery

Postby Buttpalsteven » 27 Sep 2016, 09:48

Hi Rcece,

Thanks for the message. I'm sorry to hear you suffering with an AF and it sounds like you are taking the right course of action (conservative methods no success, now a specialist to see what's next).

Regarding questions.. there's a lot I didn't know after the surgery but came here and found most of my answers. I just had no idea what the healing process would be like. If your specialist does recommend LIS, I would ask the Doc how he or she plans to do the surgery (some people are cut in the rectum while some are cut out of the rectum... some get stitches some do not). I'd also ask what side your fissure is on if you don't already know. Just good information to know to help you heal and know what's going on with your body.

Anesthesia is a common fear.. some people are given a local anesthetic instead, so you could ask how the surgeon would do the surgery (local anesthetic keeps you awake, general puts you under) to help prepare you. You should discuss your concerns but if the doc prefers one way over the other I would try to go with their recommendation.

Regarding 1-2 days post surgery everyone seems to have a different story. I think alot of it depends on what side the doctor cuts you on and how deep they have to cut. My pain wasn't agonizing but I was far more uncomfortable than I had expected to be. However - my doctor stuff my anus with gauze padding.. a ton of it! I was asked to pull it out the following day after the surgery. Once I pulled it out my pain cut in half. However I assume I was a heavy bleeder which is why I was stuffed so much. I do think the stuffing helped expedite my healing though as after 2 weeks I was feeling pretty normal and returned to my normal life at 4 weeks. However that's all anecdotal! I would ask your doctor if he/she plans to use padding and if so, if he or she will put the padding inside of you or just on the outside of your bum. Either way I recommend taking the pain killers the first 24 hours to stay ahead of the pain but that's purely my opinion!

I hope this is helpful in someway.. don't hesitate to ask anything else! Other things to think about are if you have hemmorrhoids, skin tags, or fistulas too. I'm not experienced with any of those but a lot of people get those taken care of and/or at least examined while they meet with the specialist.

Some people have their fissures cauterized. Botox is also an option over LIS.. it is more conservative but some find relief through those injections. So your doc might recommend that for you first. Lords procedure is also recommended by some, I'm not well educated on the procedure but I believe it is somewhat risky.. so make sure you discuss the pros and cons of each procedure with your doc.

Best of luck! Let us know how it goes!

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Re: Post anal fissure surgery

Postby Happyending » 27 Sep 2016, 11:21

Hi Rcece,
Those are some very good points that Buttpalsteven is mentioning. I had LIS 5 days ago, was only numbed up locally, even chatted with the doc while she performed the procedure. In my case the cut is outside the anus, but she did cauterize the fissure inside. She also mentioned right away that I was a heavy bleeder. Yet, there was no stuffing inside my butt. She said I spontaneously started bleeding inside and she put a stitch there.

My recovery so far has been very good and for the most part completely pain free. I had a little bit of pain yesterday, after something that felt like a pinch in my butt. Might have pulled a stitch. In any case, everybody's recovery is different.
From what I gather, main points in terms of recovery are: is the incision inside or outside the anus, are skin tags cut off or not, how large and deep is the fissure, how many fissures are there?

Pooping so far has been pain free, which if it remains that way, is awesome and I am glad I had surgery.
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