LIS. To cancel or not?

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: LIS. To cancel or not?

Postby Bajan » 03 Oct 2013, 08:45

Hi...Just read through your post and the replies and thought I would toss in two cents here...
I suffered from a fissure for about a year...tried pretty much every laxative on the market. My fissure was causing my life to be almost unbearable.
I have been through botox injections and two LIS surgeries.
It has been about ten months since the last surgery and I am pretty much back to normal (don't like to say that in case my fissure is listening...) but in my case...and we are all was my only option. So I am pro LIS.
One thing that the surgeon did mention to me, and that others have also mentioned in your to be very selective with your laxatives/softeners. You cannot stay on some types very long. I have been on Metamucil as advised by my is more 'natural' and can be taken long term. It also helps with your cholesterol levels too...I find the orange flavour is great and a daily dose just before bed keeps things as they should be.
On another mentioned that you were from Canada.
I am as well, and if you are in or near Toronto...check out the Rudd Clinic. I had my first LIS there...amazing place.
As well, if you would like a second opinion, my Dr. referred me to Dr. Stan Feinburg at the North York General Hospital (chief surgeon...)...again, an amazing Dr.
Both places returned my life to me.
Good luck in your decisions and future.
All the best,
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Re: LIS. To cancel or not?

Postby Positive Girl » 03 Oct 2013, 10:18

Hi Mommaof1,

I can totally relate to how you are feeling. I have been suffering with an AF on/off since Jul 2009, from Jan to June of this year I nearly went out of my mind with the pain but with persistent action to make my poops soft things have improved dramatically. I am scheduled to have LIS surgery next Sat 5th Oct.........about two weeks ago I was saying I don't think I need this surgery the pain was manageable and still is by the way, I only have to take pain killers some days after going to the loo......I had two sessions of botox Feb and March and that didn't help but finally acupuncture stopped the awful brain wrecking spasm pain......but then I had a slightly tougher day in the loo after I had been travelling for two days and it made me realise that this is not going to go away by itself I have tried EVERYTHING, you name it I have done it so I am going ahead with the surgery. The surgeon who is doing it understands that on a pain scale I am now at a 1, "is this as good as it gets" ? I asked him............NO I can cure you completely by having he LIS surgery so I am putting all my faith in him and HOPING that it works, I know thee will be tough days next week but I am confident that IT WILL WORK as I couldn't live if the spasm pain came back and that could happen if and when the botox wears off. If you are not in pain at all why not wait until nearer the time and make your decision then. I will let you know how I get on, Roll on Sat and Onwards and Upwards
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