What does an abscess feel like?

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What does an abscess feel like?

Postby Ash1988 » 11 Nov 2017, 04:09

Hi all!

Just looking for some help! I have had an anal fissure caused by constipation after childbirth. After 4 weeks use of rectogesic the original fissure is now not causing any pain. I have stopped the rectogesic. However I am now getting pain in a different location.

The pain is after a bowel movement and feels tender to the touch. It feels more like a bruise than a cut? I have convinced myself self that it is an abscess, although there is no discharge, I feel as though there is a hard area under the bit of my anus that is sore! It is also sore when I cough?!

Does anyone have experience with abscesses that could help? It’s the weekend so I can’t get a drs appointment and to be honest I’m really starting to panic
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Re: What does an abscess feel like?

Postby Katie » 14 Nov 2017, 16:20

I wonder if you have a fistula!! I really hope it's not I got one after my first op I got an abscess and then a fistula and it was the worse pain I ever had! I had it for 4 months till I had it cut open please go and see a good doctor
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