What does the start of an abscess/ fistula feel like?

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What does the start of an abscess/ fistula feel like?

Postby owmybum » 11 Jul 2013, 05:37

I am 4 weeks tomorrow post Botox injections for an anal fissure, and for the last 3 days I have had a bruised feeling on my tail bone. My fissure is at the 6 o'clock position, and I'm starting to worry there is something going on in there!
Any info is very appreciated!
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Re: What does the start of an abscess/ fistula feel like?

Postby Savaici » 11 Jul 2013, 07:30

Hope that it is not serious, and sorry, can't advise you on what might be going on there. What I do suggest is that you contact the doctor now rather than later. Miss you! Image Image Image Image Image
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Re: What does the start of an abscess/ fistula feel like?

Postby owmybum » 11 Jul 2013, 13:36

Aw.... Thank you Sav. I have had a lot on.... My sister, who had a heart attack just before Xmas, had another one last week..... She had a quadruple bypass yesterday... So as you can imagine, very stressful!
I'm just worried this tailbone discomfort is something more sinister. I'm hoping someone can chip in!
OMB xxx
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Re: What does the start of an abscess/ fistula feel like?

Postby jr2 » 11 Jul 2013, 20:28

Hi omb!
Abscesses can be tricky if they're deeper (there are different kinds of abscesses depending on location). Tailbone pain can be one symptom. Since you had Botox injections and you have had some lumps and bumps that have been bothering you, it is a good idea to get it checked out if at all possible.  If it is an abscess it's always better to get it treated early to in the hope of preventing a fistula. It could be totally unrelated, but it's a good idea to get checked on.
I'm so sorry about your sister. I hope she has a smooth recovery, and that you feel better soon too!
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Re: What does the start of an abscess/ fistula feel like?

Postby Ever the Optimist » 12 Jul 2013, 01:02

Hi OMB xxx
Also so sorry to read about your sister. I really hope things get better soon for her & you too......Not nice to have all the worry everywhere.
It's really hard to say what might be causing that pain in your tailbone area and as both Sav & Jnr say, can you seek a medical opinion on it?? It could be you have actually bruised that area or physically inflicted some form of damage there unknowingly?? Are there any visible signs of anything at all? Do you feel OK in yourself?
At this stage, don't panic, just monitor it without getting too stressed. It could be NOTHING and you don't want to scare yourself and cause more worry. One of our other posters, did however suffer a similar coccyx related pain for months, but it sounded a lot more severe than you describe, and she did find out she had a very simple fistula eventually, but again, nothing that isn't treatable and can't be dealt with and actually far easier to resolve than a fissure. I'm not saying I think you have this issue at all!! It's just a case of be aware, keep an eye and ask some questions, and certainly don't panic - what will be, will be, so to speak.......and you're strong enough to deal with anything now I'm sure!! You take care. We're all here always xxx
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Re: What does the start of an abscess/ fistula feel like?

Postby owmybum » 13 Jul 2013, 02:57

Thanks jr and ETO, I'm trying to stay calm and just ride with it..... But my butt problems seem never ending!!!
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Re: What does the start of an abscess/ fistula feel like?

Postby Savaici » 13 Jul 2013, 10:07

Hi owmybum,
So sorry that your sister is not well, and hope that she will soon be on the mend after the surgery. I know how worrying that must be Image and am thinking of you.
I have had pain in my tail bone quite often, and never know why or wherefore. All of this is a mystery to me...my posterior, that is Image I have also had the skin there swell up, and not feel sore on the outside. All weird!
Still, if what you have seems to get worse, don't hesitate to call the doctor. Don't just let it go. Rather be sure.
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