Hi there everyone,
I was just wondering what people mean by the "plug effect"? I've heard the term on this forum quite a bit and just wanted clarification as to what it meant.
Does it mean when you use the bathroom first thing in the morning (or whenever you have your first bowel movement of the day) that the first part is harder than the rest to get out? Does it mean your first movement (if you have a few movements a day) is more on the constipated side and it's harder to push out?
I think that's what I've been experiencing since my fissure started flaring up again. I will have trouble going in the morning, like my spincter muscle tenses up and it's hard to go. Plus, the bm is drier/harder. My second movement is usually trouble-free and easy to pass (although tending more toward the diarrhea-side of things).
Sorry for being so descriptive, but I was just curious about what people mean by the term.
How do people solve the "plug effect" problem? Does eating more fiber usually help or stool softeners? What about Miralax? I'm wondering about Miralax, but I'm not sure what time of the day I should take it to avoid the plug effect in the morning.
Thanks everyone!