Dear all
I have been dealing with AF and anal stenosis for around 3 years. I have tried almost everything: Sitz bath, LaxaClear (Costco version of Miralax), ointments (Nitro, and two others), physical therapy (8 sessions, very expensive), self dilation (Dilatan & others), Hydro-C colonic moisturizer and other GutSense products (it's a big scam, don't buy). I have been able to cure the fissure by taking Magensium Oxide pills (like magic) but the anal stenosis is still there and giving me a really hard time. I don't have much pain during bowel movements (which is strange) but bowel movement is a pain in the butt since it requires a lot of effort and the fact that I get a lot of discomfort/irritation in scrotum/anus/ area afterwards or even at night.
The stool is either too hard to come out easily or or even when it's soft, comes out with a lot of effort.
I used to have 3-5 bowel movements /day easily but after a fecal impaction, everything changed. Even now, the food moves fast in my digestive system but can't come out as often because of the stenosis. Therefore, the stools are very large and often hard in the morning. Usually only 1 bowel movement per day.
I am considering surgery since everything else has failed. Everything has worked partially and temporarily. Such as stubborn problem. Sometimes I want to kill myself (not really but it's so frustrating).
Do you believe there is any other way other than surgery? Used to be concerned about it's side effects especially incontinence but the problem has become so chronic that made me to consider surgery (LIS) much more seriously.
Thanks in advance