Why does it hurt some days and not any the next?

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Why does it hurt some days and not any the next?

Postby Mandah2386 » 28 Feb 2018, 16:43

It always hurts to poop. Some days less so than others, but Some days it doesn't hurt at all to put my nifedipine on and others it feels like I'm in there with a razor blade applying it. Why is that? Does that happen to anyone else? Man, I'm so ready for this to go away.
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Re: Why does it hurt some days and not any the next?

Postby chachacha » 28 Feb 2018, 18:51

My pain would often depend on the consistency of the stools. If they were solid and dry enough, I didn't have much pain, but anything at all soft or wet was a killer!
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Re: Why does it hurt some days and not any the next?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 01 Mar 2018, 03:11

I agree with CCC that my pain would be a lot worse if I had loose BMs. Another thing that made it worse was if I get stressed. It’s such an unpredictable thing and that’s one of the hardest aspects to cope with.
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