Why the recurrence?

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Re: Why the recurrence?

Postby Ever the Optimist » 12 Jul 2013, 07:49

Hems will calm down most of the time once you start religiously exercising/ pass smooth stools and stop excessive straining. Your symtoms sound just like the little blighters!!
Do not even consider getting them removed unless they really are incredibly painful. I have read so many reports now on how banding or excising them can actually cause further complications. Several on this site developed a fissure as a result of tag/ piles removal. I contemplated it myself for a while until a great support here actually advised me not to do it. It's quite a painful process for most (not all) and I really would say best left to do their own thing. My CRS was adamant they should be left alone!! Mine are well under control now, giving me no issues and hopefully in time & as things calm down for you, they will bother you less & less. Good to read you are doing so much better now!......
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
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Re: Why the recurrence?

Postby marg6043 » 20 Jul 2013, 13:52

ttt31, I have say that in my experience with my fissure I had to give up dairy and Caffeine.
As why fissure seems to come back, that is a good question, looking back at my long experience with bum problems since my first child was born 29 years ago, now I can pretty much say with confident that what I believe were painful flare ups of external hems were indeed flare ups of fissures.
On and on for years, took care of the discomfort with over the counter hem creams, until it became evident that it was deeper than just hems.
Yes, I got the feeling that once you become aware of fissures you may not be able to stop another flare up but you can be more aware and careful of how bad the next one could be.
I hope some strategy will work because I want to make sure I have one and I will be ready to minimize discomfort.
Wish me luck.:D 
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Re: Why the recurrence?

Postby Please go-away! » 20 Jul 2013, 19:20

I so appreciate everyone's advice, it makes us all stronger, earlier i felt devastated, sore, / and pain reaching a 3, for several hours.
Just by talking it out here, I decided to combat the recurrence and go out for a short walk, It was a great help and since it was beautiful out side, I sat out and crosstitched.
I wish you all the luck Marg.Image 
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Re: Why the recurrence?

Postby marg6043 » 20 Jul 2013, 21:37

Please go-away!, that's the best way to deal with this painful problem, during the worst of my fissure days, I had to just rest, but when I was able I kept my exercise routine and push myself to keep on going.
I guess I became a fighter, for some reason after so many nights awake and in pain I decided no to be a victim of the fissure and did everything I could to fight and take my life back.
Yes fissures are painful, debilitating and horrible but you can win the battler at least for the time being, I did, for now I won.
How long it will last I guess time will tell, but if you can just try to live as normal as you can, keep a routine that will help, plenty of lubrication to keep the area from getting irritated, soft stools, a sensible diet and things will improve, even now that my fissure is healed naturally I still keep my routine.
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