Why would I need a colonoscopy for fissures?

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Why would I need a colonoscopy for fissures?

Postby Jimoffy » 07 Sep 2017, 17:52

Guys just a question.. visited my CRS a couple weeks ago due to a couple anal fissures that I've had for a few years. He prescribed me diltiazem cream to use for 6 weeks, and said that if it does or does not heal, he would like to do a colonoscopy either way. Just wondering why I might need a colonoscopy? I'm 24 male
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Re: Why would I need a colonoscopy for fissures?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 08 Sep 2017, 05:56

Lots of surgeons do a colonoscopy if someone presents with any kind of issue in that area just to be safe.
Fissures can very rarely be a symptom of crohns or some other IBD.
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Re: Why would I need a colonoscopy for fissures?

Postby MyPainfullife » 09 Sep 2017, 14:39

What is the Dia of the probe inserted into the rectum to see inside? Do they give you a video of how it is inside?
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Re: Why would I need a colonoscopy for fissures?

Postby MyPainfullife » 16 Sep 2017, 17:27

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