Hi posting this here as folks don't seem to respond on fistula forum as much- but basically at this point post surgery it is same thing- I had a fistulotomy that curved around anus- outside healing is fine, but the inside opening wound is giving me trouble- a constant burning irritant. Doc says skin covers everything now and I may just always have pain from scar. it really is demoralizing and effects my daily living- in part cause I always worry that something is still in fact wrong or going to be.
For those of you who have had incisions just inside anus how are you feeling and managing? This is a surprise as outer entrance was one side and feels ok , but inner area is on left side where I never really had pain before until surgery and excavation.
The CRS said it would prob always hurt- which horrifies me. I am at 12 weeks post -op- words of encouragement and advice needed!!!! Thanks!