Your work and social status

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Anal fissures and horse back riding? I THINK NOT!

Postby BlackHole » 18 Nov 2015, 22:39

My horses officially think they are retired due my arch enemy Mr. Anal Fissure... today I bought the tamanu oil. Please pray it works.... even tho my horses are praying it doesnt
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Re: Your work and social status

Postby Manitourose » 19 Nov 2015, 13:20

Not working currently. I am a newly licensed occupational therapist who would generally work with kids or adults.
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Re: Your work and social status

Postby Aussiebum » 26 Dec 2015, 10:08

Just lost my job as an IT network consultant. So i figured I would become an IT contractor. Looking forward to it as work seems to take my mind of the discomfort. The pains there, but as my own boss
i can get up and walk take a break and use my own dunny.

I will probaly fail, however if it heals my rear
I dont care.

Marry Xmas all.
Hopping you all have a better year.
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Re: Your work and social status

Postby 'CuseGal » 03 May 2016, 12:48

I feel like my life is falling apart. My sex life is non- existent because of the pain. My husband is increasingly distant because of this. My kids are frustrated because I don't like to leave the house anymore. I have many days when going to work is a nightmare in case I have a painful bowel movement. I have IBS with alternating diarrhea and constipation so I never know when a bout might hit at work. Afterwards I often can't sit down for hours. I just started this job a few months ago so telling them I have to leave when they've put in the time to get me trained seems unfair to them! As well, I have poorly controlled high blood pressure and sometimes the pain sends it to borderline dangerous levels so I have to watch it closely. There are days when I literally sit on the toilet for half an hour and just cry.
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Re: Your work and social status

Postby Healingthroughdiet » 05 Jun 2016, 22:01

The most important thing about managing it at work I think is that I have now told my entire team that I works closely with that I have an anal fissure. At first it was difficult to mouth the words, but now that everyone at work that I care about knows they are much more sympathetic about filling in for me. Not one cracked any butt jokes and frankly they have all been through health problems. They even told me to take an extra week off after my Botox due to ongoing pain and a perceived need to be extra careful after any procedure . It's real , it's me, it's not as cool as some other healthcare problems to discuss but I keep the discussion "elegant" as possible with euphemisms of 'problem 'and 'pain' when I speak to the squeamish.
Regarding social circles, my kids know and all my family that's close to me and also close friends. For many months I only told my husband but everyone knowing about it gives me great relief. I call on my friends when I can't drive due to too much pain, when my kids have friends over and I am having a bad day they know to take care of things themselves. Opening up with them has also helped me open up on this forum and I write in where I previously used to be a reader only (now I am guilty of doing too much here but it helps me and I hope it helps atleast one other). I know this is going to be a long journey and I feel talking about it openly makes me better equipped to undertake it. If someone laughs at it just because it has the word "anal" in it they are probably not worth me worrying about their good opinion anyway.
One thing about work is though I don't minimize the problem, I try to keep positive and speak in a tone as even keel as possible, the majority of times. I tend to do most of my misery sessions at home.
Take care all fellow sufferers. One day we will be better.
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Re: Your work and social status

Postby Bum_UK » 01 Apr 2017, 12:39

I am off work due to stress at the moment. I am a lecturer at a university and have been doing fine in recent years due to regular intake of Movicol. I would not be able to work at the moment due to pain had I not been off work already. I'm a tad fed up at the moment as, all of you already know, you get a little edgy when the pain is relentless and constant.
My wife is very supportive and takes care of everything at the moment as I'm pretty useless due to the pain associated with the slightest move.
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Re: Your work and social status

Postby Mimime » 21 May 2017, 12:05

I work for myself and manage a small manufacturing enterprise. Being the boss helps as far as time off goes. But I have had to tell my employees about my health because having your boss take lots of time off for health reasons can be disturbing and make them wonder if their jobs are secure.
I care for my elderly mother who has many health issues. Between running my company, caring for my mom, being a mom of a 10 year old myself I dont have time for socializing.
Telling my workers was hard but they have been supportive. Most have worked for me for over twenty years and are like family. As someone else said, it's not one of the cool diseases to talk about, but it is what it is.
I don't hold in a BM ever. I'm always near a toilet and I have gotten over my fear of pooping at a public restroom. Not holding it in has really helped the retearing I think.
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Re: Your work and social status

Postby Joeyb » 31 Oct 2017, 08:34

Good morning to all. I have a job as an HVAC technician. I have been doing this for about 20 years and love my job. However, after being diagnosed 2 weeks ago with a fissure, I haven't been to work due to the horrible pain when I stand for more than 5 minutes
The pressure and pain is dibilitating. So, I'm taking it day by day and hoping to see a breakthrough after using the prescribed ointments and suppositories. My diet is better with finer, water and better food choices. However, I am nervous about getting back to work. My job cocsists of crawling u der homes and attics and lots of bending and squatting. As you can imagine I, this puts lots of pressure on my anal area and creates major uncomfortable issues.i don't want to jump right back into it due to the thoughts of making things worse.

Any advice would be appreciated. Be blessed and make it a great day! :D
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Re: Your work and social status

Postby SusieUK » 24 Apr 2018, 10:05

I was going to go back to work after having my son but thanks to my fissures never did there was no way I could have managed it!
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Re: Your work and social status

Postby Kim » 07 Dec 2018, 10:24

I am a CPA/MBA/doctorate in education. My career started in the banking industry and ended at age 60 as a college professor. In between I practiced accounting privately, worked as an internal auditor, and published textbooks and business simulations in the areas of business and accounting. My career ended because I was diagnosed with ALS.

I'm single but live with a housemate. We have a 3/3 condo on the beach in Florida. I have no children. My housemate was once my boyfriend but we work better as friends.

ALS is a terminal illness but to have it along with hemorrhoids and a fissure makes it unbearable. I can still walk very short distances so I need to have this taken care of sooner rather than later.
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