22 days after the fistulectomy operation

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22 days after the fistulectomy operation

Postby agabozy » 29 May 2014, 08:59

please i need your help .....I had done fistulectomy operation 3 weeks ago,,, and it is still discharging purulent discharge as before ,,,,and the wound very slow in healing ,,,,,,and i have noticed that (the pustule-like lesion which present in the external opening of the fistula before the operation) appear again in the wound (it like a red small elevation in the wound ),,,,and i asked my doctor and he say that is normal.....and i feel that it will be recurrent fistula ..........what do you think please help???????
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Re: 22 days after the fistulectomy operation

Postby richibeno » 29 May 2014, 09:42

Hi if you think the fistula is reacuringi would ask for a docs appointment asap

may be nothing but I would get it checked out was it a simple fistula 'no muscle involvement
Do you feel unwell temperature ect
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Re: 22 days after the fistulectomy operation

Postby agabozy » 29 May 2014, 10:03

it is a complex fistula but low fistula (minimal internal sphincter muscle involvement).....my temperature is normal ...pain is very minimal nowadays only after BM for few minutes
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Re: 22 days after the fistulectomy operation

Postby Ever the Optimist » 31 May 2014, 15:27

Hi Aga,
If everything has been recently checked out thoroughly and you are not in too much pain with no other symptoms, please try not to worry. Chances are what you are going through is totally normal - Even after surgery, a fistula can continue to pus for some time after. This is very common and completely normal.....It can actually happen for a few months after depending on the original fistula. It's great that the fistula was low and these tend to heal a little quicker too. If in any doubt, always get a second opinion, but it sounds OK. Everyone heals at different rates, so just be kind to yourself and as positive and as relaxed as you can be....it will happen!....Generally, it takes about 6-8 weeks for the wound to completely heal back to normal. :)
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
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