by asdf123456 » 14 Jan 2014, 18:49
Hi Suzy, I read your story a while back, and if memory serves, it sounds pretty similar to mine. I also had a botched Hemmy surgery that caused a stricture and stenosis and two unhealed wounds, anterior and posterior. Exactly one year later I had LIS and a stricturotomy. My BMs are much better, and the anterior fissure totally healed. The posterior fissure is still there however, at least partially. My doc gave me botox again (that's the 3rd time now), and has been cauterizing the wound in the office every few weeks. The dam thing won't go away. He recently mentioned that I could try v-y advancement flap surgery, but this would be more of a recovery. I am fine with that, but I was wondering, does this cause permanent disfigurement to the butt-check area? I am 25 M, and I don't anticipate mooning anyone in the future, but in case I am ever going to be skinny dipping or streaking, I would like to know if they are going to take a piece of my butt cheek and shove it up my ass. I know that sounds weird.