After winning the pain lottery in January of this year with back-to-back thrombosed external hemorrhoids + anal fissure, I finally broke down after 3 months and saw a CRS. I visited two doctors and was very happy with the second one. After another 3 months of Diltiazem cream and still feeling not so great, I scheduled an LIS procedure + two hypertrophied papillae removal with my CRS.
In recovery, I got the surprise that I also ended up with a (smallish) closed external hemorrhoidectomy in one quadrant. Oh boy! Recovery was an absolute nightmare, but fortunately (heh, can I say that?) my painful experience from January had prepared me well for what was to come.
Honestly, nothing could top January. At its peak, the pain (from the hems and fissure) had me sobbing and drooling in pain, and is something I really regret putting myself through. Can this stuff give you PTSD? I'm guessing it can, because I'm having trouble sleeping again, and my anxiety is through the roof at times.
Anyway, I took about 3 weeks off of work after the surgery, and was feeling more normal after 6 weeks. After about 3 months, I felt good enough to take short trips out of town. I thought I was back on the level, but was still (of course) maintaining a clean diet.
Then last Monday happened. I'm not 100% certain what triggered it, but I had a BM that required a bit of a push to get started. Nothing major, and honestly, I'm shocked that's all it took. Shocked. I felt the sharp pain of a tear, and throughout the day, the building discomfort of the fissure was back. One week later I have swelling on the left side to the point that it's firm to the touch and still very sensitive, so I called to schedule a CRS visit. Fortunately, I'm in the US so I got an appointment for this Thursday, but I'm so devastated to be facing this again.
The up side is that the pain is way less this time around. I suspect this is because the LIS procedure has loosened things up a bit down there, but this recurrence has scared the hell out of me. I work so hard to maintain good BM consistency. My average adult weight was around 230 lbs before I started to get in shape about 5 years ago, and I'm now down to around 185 lbs at 6'0" tall. I take a fiber supplement twice a day, eat a vegetable-rich diet, and stay as active as I can (when I'm not agonizing with a fissure). I avoid white bread and sugars like the plague. Meanwhile my wife and friends eat whatever the hell they want, and still I get hit with this. It's so frustrating to feel like you're doing everything you can, but still suffer!
Just venting a bit. This whole ordeal has been very challenging. I just want it to be over, and I feel like I do everything to get there, but can't seem to find success.