5 weeks post-fistulotomy: Questions about status of wound?

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5 weeks post-fistulotomy: Questions about status of wound?

Postby formbyfirelight » 14 Feb 2018, 19:29

Hi everyone. I am a 33 y/o male from the UK. On January 8th (~5 weeks ago) I had a 'lay open fistula' / fistulotomy surgery via the NHS. My fistula was quite close to the surface and above the anus. Since the surgery I have been wearing pads to deal with the consistent drainage which I believe is quite normal, and my pain level is probably down from an 8/10 to a 1/10 (unless something directly impacts the area).

My question is about the wound. Essentially, when I take some photos to check its status, I see that there is a 'flap' of skin sticking out of the wound. It's about a half-inch long and is fleshy pink coloured. It does have some drainage pus on and around it. WARNING: I AM ABOUT TO SHARE A PICTURE OF THIS. If you're not willing to see what I've described above, DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK: https://i.imgur.com/fVMqu9s.jpg

Question: Is this expected of a lay open fistula procedure? Not that I did not have the 'flap' procedure which I see a lot about when Googling this problem. The NHS is great for free healthcare, but not so great with the aftercare service. I will try to ring the consultant again about this, but in the meantime, has anyone else experienced a similar state following fistula surgery?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: 5 weeks post-fistulotomy: Questions about status of woun

Postby Dimitri71 » 12 May 2018, 09:35

How are things fir you now fornbyfirelig?
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Re: 5 weeks post-fistulotomy: Questions about status of woun

Postby Katie » 13 May 2018, 06:19

I had this op last year and my fistula was layed open but I had no stuff leaking out or soreness like yours I'm uk Def get Che ked out
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