6 Months Post LIS

Would love feedback about a second surgery

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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6 Months Post LIS

Postby nicole321 » 21 Aug 2017, 22:58

After suffering from a chronic fissure for 2+ years I finally went for the LIS with a wonderful CRS in February 2017. Everything healed well, but since then I have had 2 more recurrences which both healed in 3-5 days. The CRS says that only 2% of those who undergo LIS will have anymore fissures afterwards (so, yay...). I also have some brief spasms after any BMs that are not soft and pain as well if I don't keep everything just right with my diet and water.

The CRS is willing to do a second LIS on the opposite side but I am unsure. Do I just hope that this is the best it can be and be grateful? Do I go for the surgery again? Or wait longer than I have for healing? We also want to have more children but I am am scared now that I have had this surgery as the fissure started after the birth of my son.

Any wisdom?
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Re: 6 Months Post LIS

Postby Harper05 » 25 Aug 2017, 14:13

I have had THREE! All in the matter of 7 months. I knew each time it wasn't healing. I am still not healing and I am 6 weeks post op. I saw the DR this week and he said some people just have really good muscle tone.
I got mine from trying to push my baby out as well and ended up with a c section. That is something you can choose if you are worried.
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Re: 6 Months Post LIS

Postby Canadabum » 21 May 2018, 20:03

Hey Nicole...wondering what you decided and how you are doing. I too had LIS and have had a minor retear...I am wondering if I need to address this with my CRS.
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Re: 6 Months Post LIS

Postby nicole321 » 27 Feb 2019, 22:05

Just wanted to update if anyone searched on this topic. I opted to not get a second surgery and keep it in my back pocket in case we had another child and I REALLY needed it then. I have small relapses 2-3 times a year but they always heal in 3-5 days and I do not have to excessively monitor my diet like I have in the past. I just make sure I am drinking enough water.
Surgery was 2/2017 and I ended up giving birth to our third child 9/2019 without a C-section. I took 100 mg of stool softener daily throughout my pregnancy daily and had no relapses. Even childbirth went well. I took really good care of myself by resting, sitz baths to recover from birth, and drank plenty of water. These days I still occasionally have a relapse, but again it heals in 3-5 days. I am also starting pelvic floor physical therapy to help with strength (because after three kids it was needed!) and I am hoping it may even help with my relapses a bit. They are nothing major and I think I will still continue without the second surgery. Life gets better and I want to give hope!
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