8 years I've had my fissure heres a few things I'd tell people with a fissure.
1. Don't waste your money on creams use rectogesic if you just got your fissure within the last few days or weeks after 6wks its LIS. Or give 50/50 botox a go.
2. Don't go mad on your diet an think its happened because overnight you become lactose intolerant or gluten sensitive. Eat healthy and drink water but don't get fixated!
3. Do yoga or meditation for relaxation its stressful having a fissure on top of this crazy world we now live in.
4. Botox is 50/50 it really is a hit an miss. I've been on this site for nearly 8yrs and i think i read of 1 success with botox. I've had it twice an I'm still here.
5. If your fissure like mine heals an retears its likely either caused by constipation or a tight muscle, you'll know if your passing hard stools. My fissure has retorn from soft stool.
6. If your fissure just doesn't heal maybe you could try a barrier cream like Vaseline 3x a day or atleast before each bm. For 6wks
7. If you cant put a finger inside to apply cream then your muscle has either got a high resting pressure or its in spasm both of which need treating with either rectogesic if your fissure is less then 6wks old or LIS if your fissure is older then 6wks old.
8. If your fissure continues passed 6wks see a colorectal specialist (crs) for treatment.
9. If constipated don't load up on fiber. If you've never needed fiber in your life then a lack of fiber isn't the problem. Get natural fibre in normal amounts from fresh fruit an veg, eat healthy an drink water. Back in the day we ate real food now we eat fake food.
Real food = real stools (soft food waste)
Fake food = fake stools (hard plastic)
Constipation is NOT from a lack of buying an drinking medical products, sorry its just not ask your grandparents.
10. If you have random unexplainable constipation see a doctor or 3 get second opinions. Or if you've had constipation your whole life do an elimination diet an see if that helps. Just Google elimination diet if nothing changes see a doctor or 3 get second opinions.
Good luck on your journey have faith an trust in your body as your body is always trying to heal sometimes it just needs a hand to get there. Practice daily positive self talk and work on your self love. Xx