After lis can you handle the odd harder bm?

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After lis can you handle the odd harder bm?

Postby missy moo » 01 May 2018, 15:33

This is a question I'm sure has been asked before I need to know if I get lis can I still have the odd harder bm my body cant have perfect bms everyday I had Botox in Feb things are better but during a harder bm which only happens a few times a month I see blood an it's uncomfortable an saddens me to see, is lis the answer for me?
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Re: After lis can you handle the odd harder bm?

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 02 May 2018, 08:51

I wish I could give a more positive response. I’m 8 week’s post LIS and have retorn (from diarrhea) but I wonder whether I’m in the unfortunate minority. It happened 4 days ago, so I’m hoping I’ll heal relatively quickly. I still feel better than I did before the LIS, but I would have hoped to have gotten rid of the pain completely by now.

I hope some other, better healers chime in here with a more positive view!
Deleted User 7114

Re: After lis can you handle the odd harder bm?

Postby missy moo » 02 May 2018, 14:23

That's unfortunate but like you said you will heal an it will be much faster then you have before lis the lis has disabled the non healing spasm tight muscle part so that will allow healing
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Re: After lis can you handle the odd harder bm?

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 03 May 2018, 02:54

It is so hard to say whether lis is the answer or not. It seems to be for a lot of people - the ones who go on to heal quickly and never come back to this board. I think it is still very important to manage BMs after lis though (even though we all know it’s close to impossible to get perfect consistency every time). I’ve also seen blood on a number of occasions, regardless of the type of BM I have had, and I know how saddening it feels. Lol, I feel like a cat/dog. As soon as I do a BM, the first thing I do is stick my head down the toilet for a close inspection of what just came out!!

Are you in pain? For me this is a big factor which dictates what to do next. I think if you are not in pain, you can give your body more time to heal, but if you are in ongoing pain, it might be worth considering lis.
Deleted User 7114

Re: After lis can you handle the odd harder bm?

Postby missy moo » 21 May 2018, 15:16

Hi hedgehogbum nice name by the way I had Botox 14weeks ago it gave me a holiday for sure but now bms an starting to become uncomfortable during an there is still blood I guess the Botox is wearing off I'm not in pain during the day just the odd twitch like a needle up the bum which is a feeling I having had since the Botox but use to get it alot before Botox another reason to believe the Botox is wearing off my main issue is the muscle feels tight there resistance during a bm I don't push but there's a battle between my bowel an my muscle my bowel is trying to do its job but the muscle won't let it. I have an appointment on NHS but I still haven't been told my appointment date what normally happens is I ask to see a surgeon then I wait 2-4 months for a letter to come to tell me my appointment time then I wait another 2-4 months for my appointment seems reasonable to me :~!@: for my last appointment I waited 6 months all up so far I've been waiting 2 months. Otherwise I can go private an pay $10k NZD for lis an get it over an done with.
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Re: After lis can you handle the odd harder bm?

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 12 Jun 2018, 10:27

Oh wow that's frustrating! I'm sorry the Botox is wearing off. How are you feeling at the moment? I have the exact same resistance feeling you are getting. I feel like the bowel is pushing the BM out but the muscle is refusing to open and let it out. When it finally does, something tears.

Thanks for the compliment on the name! I got the idea from someone on another site who said that when he had a BM, it felt like passing a hedgehog sprinkled with red hot chili pepper. It made me laugh and I had to agree that that is exactly what it feels like! :bouncer:
Deleted User 7114

Re: After lis can you handle the odd harder bm?

Postby missy moo » 12 Jun 2018, 15:15

Hi I'm doing ok I feel like the Botox has improved my life about 50% so it has been a good thing but not a FIX like lis is suppose to be I still have the resistance an have to sometime push out gas which I'm sure isn't normal for non fissure experiencing people I have discomfort during some bms an discomfort after some bms I sometimes get the spasm electric shock feeling like a twitch feeling not sure if you get that? My skin tag is still large an tender when I clean off so I haven't got my life back completely but it's a better fissure life now then pre Botox I'm grateful and would like 1 more shot of Botox so I've given it a good go an if it improves my life a little bit more I mite just choose to leave lis for later if the fissure gets worse. How's lis been for you so far?
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Re: After lis can you handle the odd harder bm?

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 13 Jun 2018, 05:55

My LIS has given me what botox has given you. Most of the time, I'm 50% better with the exact same sensations that you have. Right at the moment, I'm back to square one with a fully fledged fissure and pain, burning, stinging, throbbing and itching. It is uncomfortable to sit. I also have difficulty passing gas. I want to wait one year before I consider another LIS. I'm not even sure that would help to be honest. I need to find alternative solutions to the problem. If I could just find the root cause, I could probably get rid of it myself.
Deleted User 7114

Re: After lis can you handle the odd harder bm?

Postby missy moo » 13 Jun 2018, 06:31

Oh really I thought lis would be the proper fix the last step but I've read people having it twice. Have you looked into emotional causes I read a book called you can heal your life by Louise Hay it really opened my eyes, it's amazing how external pains change something in us which if not addressed can slowly cause internal pains.
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Re: After lis can you handle the odd harder bm?

Postby mike1971 » 13 Jun 2018, 06:41

Good morning friends sorry to hear the pain you are dealing with I have had another rough night myself.
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