I've been suffering from a fissure (2 fissures, 6 and 12 o'clock as my doctor tells me to be exact) for almost a year now.
Creams, suppositories, softners have not really helped me, I've had a sphincterotomy last December, and I thought I would have healed, but almost 7 months later and I'm back to square one.
My doctor said I might require another surgery, which I am fine with, except the post-surgery pain for the next 2 weeks is not something I am looking forward to.
I don't really know what else I can do, I need to adjust my diet more that's for sure, but my QOL in general has taken a nosedive. I still socialise with friends, go to the office for work, but I am always worried about going to the bathroom when not at home because of either the pain or the itching / irritation post bathroom visit that can last from a few minutes to a few hours at a time.
I've also become a lot less active, since walking after an bowl movement is at best incredibly iritating and at worst very painful.
How do you go on with your daily lives when dealing with these iritations caused by walking etc? I'm finding it really hard. This sucks.