25 Year Old Just Realized I've had an AF for over a year....

Long-term fissure with little-to-no pain or discomfort. Just itchy.

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25 Year Old Just Realized I've had an AF for over a year....

Postby princealibaba » 24 Apr 2015, 02:16

Hello everyone, I am very glad that I found this forum. I'll just get right to it.

I am a 25 year old bi-sexual male who started experiencing an itchy butthole over a year ago (and if I'm beyond honest it might be close to two years ago). Because I was in college and hooking up with more people than I do now (I am in a monogamous relationship, currently) my mind immediately went to an STD. I have always been tested, and have always been clean, even as recent as a week ago.

Just tonight, when I got the sensation of itchiness in and around my butthole, I started to google my symptoms. Upon finding image results for anal fissures, I realized that I had notice a very, very small opening just above my anus (if I was lying on my back) and I have always noticed (if I was fingering myself) that I felt a slight tissue abrasion (let's call it a sensitive piece of lining) just below this very small sort of opening. These images online (although most, WAY worse than what I am working with) have led me to believe I have had an anal fissure for quite some time.

So here I am, slightly freaking out because I'm not sure of how it began, I do poop a lot throughout the day but have never noticed any blood in my stool or on the toilet paper.

I hope this is enough information to lead to some advice, as I am trying to be as concise as possible.

What do I do? I have hydrocortisone in the house, I eat a VERY healthy diet (pescetarian, with a heavy emphasis on plant-based nutrition), and I workout regularly.

Thanks in advance,
Prince Ali Baba
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Re: 25 Year Old Just Realized I've had an AF for over a year

Postby Savaici » 24 Apr 2015, 21:29

Hi and welcome to the forum.

I would not self-diagnose, but rather make an appointment with a colon and rectal surgeon, which is our advice to all on here. You do not mention pain in your post, as that as what most of us get - and pretty extreme pain at that. As you have had this for some time, it is good not to leave it. Also, hydrocortisone leads to thinning of the skin and can simply aggravate things more.

See a doctor and let us know how it goes! :sunny:
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Re: 25 Year Old Just Realized I've had an AF for over a year

Postby Scientist2516 » 25 Apr 2015, 13:46

Hi Prince, you mention itching but not pain. That doesn't sound like a fissure, which if true is very good news. To me it sounds like a yeast infection, which can be super itchy. But Savaici is right, you need to see a doctor and get a diagnosis. There are many things it could be, and the treatments are different depending what you have.
You don't say if you are using the hydrocortisone, but if you do have either a fissure or a yeast infection, I would not recommend it. However, I am not a doctor.
I hope you can find out what's wrong and get cured.
Nifedipine/lidocaine, no help
Diltiazem, effective, but caused major rash
Nitroglycerine, effective.
Topical estrogen for final healing.
Gentle heat to bottom - pain relief, muscle relaxant
Kondremul mineral oil
Time - lots of time.
Status - Healed!
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