Am I healing?

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Am I healing?

Postby Wily » 03 Dec 2017, 01:11

I have had a fissure since haemorrhoid banding 6 weeks ago. Had the usual swelling, burning pain, bleeding etc I am a nurse but had barely even heard of this can a small trivial problem cause such disability? I could scarcely believe the post BM pain I had in th3 first couple of weeks..
it did feel like a golf ball studded with gravel in my rectum for 4 weeks after the banding but now for most of the day I feel no or little pain when i tense my bottom and just a couple of minutes of acute pain post BM.
It seems to be settling down somewhat after GTN cream and Metamucil + my normal high fibre diet. Specifically, I have had no bleeding for 3 days now but the post BM pain is slightly worse with a return of the burning which quickly settles after 5 minutes of hot bath.
The rest of the day is relatively normal. Still not back to running or cycling but life is slowly getting back to not revolving around my butt.
I realise that I could relapse at any day, and I have over th3 last couple of weeks with one pain free day followed by blood++ and pain++.
Does it sound positive? I don’t want to return to a life revolving around my ass. I can’t believe people on this forum have had months or years suffering from this problem.
All the best,
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Re: Am I healing?

Postby Ihatethisfissure » 03 Dec 2017, 09:57

Sounds like your fissure is still pretty new so treat it aggressively with the oitments and fiber and water. Don't let your guard down ever again honestly. If something seems to aggravate it don't do it. Praying you heal up!
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Re: Am I healing?

Postby Wily » 04 Dec 2017, 15:03

5 days no bleeding and very little pain this morning.

Fingers crossed here.

I have reduced bran and added more fruit and soluble fibre. It seems to be making a difference.
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Re: Am I healing?

Postby Wily » 29 Dec 2017, 16:57

1 week+ now without any pain during or post BM. No bleeding for around 2 weeks.
I feel slight ache occasionally when tensing sphincter but that is it.
Cant see CRS for a while but I will discontinue GTN ointment today and continue high fruit + psyllium husk diet ( prob forever!). I have ceased high bran diet, paradoxically I don't feel that it helps.
I hope this the end of it but fully expect a setback at any time. Fingers crossed i can get back to my normal life...
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