Anal fissure for 3 weeks

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Anal fissure for 3 weeks

Postby Momof3 » 18 Sep 2018, 14:56

I am 27 years old and have suffered with going to the bathroom since I was 5 years old. My issues are much worse during stressed times in my life. Over the years I have had hemorrhoids and what I'm assuming small cases of anal fissures. 2 months ago I had a baby boy my 3rd child then when he was 2 weeks old I had cellulitis and was on antibiotics orally and through IV which I believe added to my small but hard stools. About a month and a half ago I had a bad BM with bleeding and pain during the BM with soreness for several hours after well then I didn't have another BM for a few days so the next one was not bad.. had several other the next 2 weeks that were not bad and just mildly sore after. Then 1 month ago the real pain started I had a bad BM with pain for hours afterwards so I decided to see a gastroenterologist they said I had a sennital tag from a chronic fissure I do not think so though... after having my 2nd child I had hemorrhoids really bad and that tag stayed there when the hemmorid shrunk anyway back to my story! They said I had fissures and hemmorids and gave me hydrocortisone suppositories and nitroglycerin. I had to stop the suppositories and switch to cream then stop both all together because they seemed to make things worse... I now just use the nitroglycerin and soak in the tub after every bowel movement and try to do it 2 more times a day at least! I am now on my 3rd week with the cream have been taking linzess and 2 stool softeners everyday and drinking about 5 bottles of water a day. I will say the stool seems to be softer but still comes out in small pieces and it does require I strain a little. I do have pain when passing the stool but the build up of pain and discomfort for several hours after is the the real problem. I am just looking for advice as this is controlling my life and quite frankly ruining it!
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Re: Anal fissure for 3 weeks

Postby Gray » 19 Sep 2018, 07:43

So sorry you're going through this. Is it possible for you to see a colorectal surgeon (CRS)? If so, I'd recommend making an appointment. There are other ointments the doctor could prescribe that may work better for you. My doctor told me it really just takes time to heal from these and it really varies from person to person. The biggest thing is figuring out how much fiber, water, and which medication or treatment plan is going to work for you and your body.
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Re: Anal fissure for 3 weeks

Postby missy moo » 19 Sep 2018, 15:48

Please see a colorectal surgeon asap they can give you all the advice you need also you only need to be drinking about a leader and a half of water a day I remember when my baby was little I was drinking so much water and it caused so much anxiety all I cared about was getting enough water each day and was just flooding my system with it your body pulls water out of the stool it doesn't put water back into the stool you'll just be weeing alot that's all our body's would take water out of our stool while we sleep I've had my fissure for 5 years I have two little kids it's hard I know x
missy moo
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