Anal Fissure+ hemorrhoids

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Anal Fissure+ hemorrhoids

Postby emaayan » 26 Jun 2018, 11:24

hi...41 years old male, 6'3 230 lbs

for the couple of years i've been bleeding out, (my iron level is around 7-8 depending on who made the tests), it would appear i have hemorrhoids and anal fissure, hidden around a skin fold.

i have tried nifedipine for about 2 weeks, around 3-4 times a day, except from making me feel shitty (pun intended ) , it didn't seem to help.
it seemed like combo of triderm every few days with procto-glyvenol applied after every BM, would calm this down (plus after every BM, i would sit on the toilet cover which was curved to help "insert" that shit (can't help it) back up., hemorrhoids seem to be on 2-3 level, and cannot be treated before the fissure. it's important to note that i do NOT experience pains during BM , there are occasions where i sense a burning senseations a few moments afterwords.

i also tried Rectogesic which REALLY didn't sit with me , after 3 days.. so now it seems i'm facing between botox and sphincterotomy , the comparison research i've read seem divided on the success rate, where botox seemed slower and more prone to failure but safer while surgery seemed 20% higher success rate (i think i actually read somewhere the botox only had 50 50 chances of success) , so i'm currently reviewing what i should do next.

now i'm a long time d.i.y ebike rider, and i commute to work around 40-45 minutes, i have some suspicions that the saddle i was using was somewhat bent and may have caused this to happen. because the burn and hemmroids seem to be on the left side.

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