Anal Fissure Symptoms

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Anal Fissure Symptoms

Postby Aitch74 » 25 Sep 2020, 08:15

Hi Everyone,

Newbie here seeking some thoughts.

A few months back I had constipation and hard BM's and developed hemorrhoids - though now think I might also have developed a fissure as the itching was keeping me up at night, though no pain or blood. As it was during lockdown I couldnt go the my doctor but he prescribed some ointment and it seemed to help nevertheless.

Anyway, as my symptoms went away I was left with a twitching like sensation in my anus - the doctor said this was common with hemorrhoids as there are lots of nerve endings etc and can take a few weeks to settle down. I only ever felt it when I stopped moving around etc and was more noticable when sitting.

The sensation was still there a few weeks later and I managed to get an image to send to my doc as I thought I could see / feel something and he referred me to a consultant as he thought it was a fistula. I got an examination and everything was deemed to be fine and as it should be and it was not a fistula but I did have some trauma to my anus and a few skin tags and what looked like a possible fissure which had now healed - I had been taking lots of sitz baths as I noticed this helped considerably.

The twitching / pulse like sensation is still there and comes and goes and is not sore but mildly irritating, so my first question is - what does fissure spasms actually feel like? Is it constant, does it come and go, are the painless / painful or vary from person to person?

I haven't had pain but last week I bad a hard BM which for the first time brought about a few spots of fresh blood, so I am thinking the fissure has opened up again - I had been taking Docusate on the advice of the consultant to keep me soft but it hadn't kicked in on time! Since then I have had a little pressure in my anus and the odd flicks of pain but nothing major and I am keeping up the sitz baths.

Just looking for anyones similar experiences on this and or advice.

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Re: Anal Fissure Symptoms

Postby patience_and_healing » 19 Oct 2020, 00:11

I think everyone experiences spasms differently. The twitching sensation is one that I've experienced in the past with an unhealed fissure. Spasms can also feel like a burning pain or a clenching sensation. Even though fissures can appear healed they can reopen so keep an eye on it. You may need to try medicated ointments if it doesn't heal. Take care.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
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Re: Anal Fissure Symptoms

Postby Aitch74 » 19 Oct 2020, 16:58

Thank you for taking the time to read and respond. Much appreciated.
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