I'm new to the forum.
I've had fissures on and off over several months. They usually heal on their own rather quickly. I believe those r driven by my longstanding IBS and the perpetual straining I need to do for BM's
This time around i got a chronic fissure. I can deal with the pain after BM's with OTC meds
However,it seems I've developed some very odd urinary symptoms which I'm wondering if an anal fissure can cause?
The symptoms are such that I'm awakened often from sleep feeling urge to urinate. But often a sense of fullness in rectum as well. Sometimes I can't tell if I need to pee or to poop..
The most alarming part of this is when I go through the motions of urinating and nothing comes out at all. This is extremely alarming!! However, when this happens I can always get a fairly ok stream going by somehow forcing a bowel movement. I can usually do this by inserting my finger into my rectum. But often enough, just straining to defecate completely restores urinary function! I know neither of these maneuvers r good for fissures, but when I do gotta pee, I have little choice..That's the weird part. A BM seems to restore urinary stream..
ALSO: These particular urinary difficulties happen only when I'm awakened from sleep with urinary urgency. NEVER while fully awake during the day!
At these specific urinary episodes, I'm usually not feeling any fissure pain, though I often had some bad pain hours before going to bed...
I should add that hours prior to going to bed, I very often do have bouts of high tension/spasm in my rectal muscle, often accompanied by urinary frequency and urgency, but not those very weird sensations described before. That only happens when I wake in middle of sleep. Those too seem to resolve partially with a BM
These particular urinary symptoms developed a few weeks ago..I've had the fissure for somewhat longer time.
So here are my questions:
1) Can an anal fissure cause anything like I described above? If so, any idea why? Has anything vaguely similar to this been reported in medical literature in terms of anal fissures causing something like this?
2) If anyone here has experienced anything similar along with fissure, how did you deal with it?
3) Approximately how long after fissure resolved do the urinary symptoms associated with anal fissure resolve?
I should be getting Diltiazem preparation via my Gastro's office very soon, so that should help with the fissure. I'm way more disturbed about the urinary symptoms at the moment. And if there might be some connection?
Thanks so much