Anal itching help please

Anal itching after bowel movement

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Anal itching help please

Postby scottymo15 » 18 Jun 2016, 13:14

Hey guys...first post ever. :] Gonna start with my history:

I'm 36 year old male.

Had a horrible anal fissure in college....saw several doctors....ended up getting surgery to fix it...I was a kid, so I have no idea what type of surgery it was....I think they lasered something to relieve pressure or whatever.

Anyways...all was good for about 10 years.....then had a reoccurance with another fissure, but this one was not as intense, and I felt that I knew what was going on. I went to my doctor, and he said we could heal it without surgery. I did what he told me....added fiber supplement to my drinks...took the baths, used wipes, heat pads etc......things healed up nicely.

Side note about my diet....I did not use to eat a lot of fruits or drink a ton of water...that has since changed...start each morning with a big smoothie and drink lots of water throughout the day.

In December of this year, I got another fissure.....went through the steps above...seemed to get it healed in a few weeks. Instead of the horrible throbbing pain after bowel movements, I had an irritating itch. This would last up to 5 or 6 hours after a bowel movment, and would then go away until I used the restroom again. I just couldn't shake it, but it was way better than the pain. I didn't know if it was the fissure healing and an itch was associated with that or what.

In the mean time, I had another hard stool that produced blood in my stool and on my tp. It was getting painful to use the restroom again, and the pain after a bowel movement returned. I made an appointment and saw my doctor.

He looked at me...(very painful) diagnosed me with proctitis ....prescribed some bullet shape things to insert twice a day (very expensive) I did this, and used used some non scented wipes he told me to use...huggies 14 days I was cleared up. No itching, no pain.....things were good for about a week or so.......then had another harder stool and the itching has returned.

I have darker blood in my stool, not on my wipes. it's not a ton of blood, but it's there. The itching is just annoying and does ruin several hours of my day until it stops. The itching usually occurs for 4 or 5 hours after pooping...then goes away until I poop again.

I've looked things up and thought it might be Pruritus Ani.....not real sure. I just ordered Recticaid and am going to try that. The thing is, things feel better when I'm sitting or laying down. Standing is when I notice the itch. It also doesn't get worse at night like others with Pruritus ani have said.

Any thoughts or clue as to what I should do or try? I feel like I should not go to my doctor but go to a specialist instead. I'm lucky it's no the pain of my first fissure, but it's still really annoying and effects my attitude towards my family and work.

thanks for any help you can give.
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Re: Anal itching help please

Postby Sufferingbadly » 19 Jun 2016, 01:18

My rear itches. I went through a time where, like you described, after going poop I would have this itch I couldn't relieve. I also thought I had pruritus ani. Throughout the day , again same as you, mostly while standing, I would itch so badly!! I found obviously keeping the area clean helps, but a heating pad!!!!!! It's Almost like the heat kills the itch! Try it and let me know if it helps you out. Oh another thing...dabbing or wiping with witch hazel 100%, can help relieve discomfort and itch. But heating pad works best in my opinion. :)
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Re: Anal itching help please

Postby paine » 21 Jun 2016, 09:18

have you tried virgin coconut oil? it helps with mine.
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Re: Anal itching help please

Postby bumbumsong » 17 Sep 2016, 13:08

Diaper rash creme helps with intense itching, also aloe vera gel.
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Re: Anal itching help please

Postby Daisy » 07 Oct 2016, 17:16

Look up the words Pruritis Ani here in the forums. I've devoted at least two posts to the itching issue. Hope it helps
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Re: Anal itching help please

Postby Happyending » 08 Oct 2016, 17:52

Itching could be from histamine which the body produces to heal. That's why wounds start itching when they heal, that's why mosquito bites itch (it's your own body's histamine, not the mosquito's poison). So what does that mean for your butt? Either there is an injury, maybe not quite noticeable, or possibly inflammation, which is another natural healing reaction. The problem is if you or something else keeps that injury or inflammation "alive", I.e. through repeated scratching, hard BM, etc. I had that a itch, only at night, for many years, without apparent other problems, until I developed an anal fissure 20 years down the road. I now realize my itching was always in one location, lower left, where there is a hemorrhoid. Many years of straining would cause slight inflammation in that area, which caused the itch. It does not seem to be food related in my case.
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Re: Anal itching help please

Postby azphilosopher » 31 Oct 2017, 16:42

I am experiencing painful itching in the entire area around my anus -- all the way from my scrotum to my tailbone. I thought it was caused by one or more of the ointments I have tried, but I still am suffering after using no products at all for a week. Does anyone know if the anal fissure itself can cause this issue to radiate out across the larger area?
Fissure started in May 2017 due to colonoscopy
First 2 doctors prescribed only hydro cortisone
CRS finally diagnosed fissure in August
Nitro and other creams have not helped, may be causing rash
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Re: Anal itching help please

Postby Fissurefrustration » 16 Jan 2018, 17:16

Could be a skin infection due to all the creams you use. Try some anti fungal cream without any steroid and try to keep the area as clean and dry as possible. You don’t want skin to break down. You can get it over the counter
Suffering since June 2013

Methods tried:
GTN cream - migraines!
Manuka Honey / Coconut oil / Aloe
tag excision X 2, botox x 3
dilatation 2 X daily + Retin-C Vitamin Scar Treatment Oil 2 X daily - best thing ever.
Now pain free 2/7/21
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Re: Anal itching help please

Postby Hopefull123 » 16 Jan 2018, 18:28

Hi Fissurefristration, out of curiosity, can you let me know where are you current with healing and what protocol are you using.
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