Analpram for 2 weeks

Analpram to decrease inflammation

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Analpram for 2 weeks

Postby raoden » 01 May 2017, 15:48

​There seems to be a general consensus against analpram on the forum. My CRS asked me to use analpram for 2 weeks and then start using diltiazem. The CRS said that this can decrease the inflammation and help with relieving the pain. Anybody go this route of using analpram for 2 weeks and then change to diltiazem or have any comments about this?
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Re: Analpram for 2 weeks

Postby raoden » 08 May 2017, 12:38

Just an update here in case anybody else looks here later on. I have been using analpram for about a week now. My pain symptoms have greatly improved. I only have a slight pain while trying to move for about an hour or two. If I sit or lie down there is no pain at all. Also the clenching feeling is all but gone. Not sure if this means inflammation is down or if the fissures are somehow healing. I have another 1 week to go on analpram and then going to be switching to Diltiazem. Hoping the healing continues!
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Re: Analpram for 2 weeks

Postby Bum_UK » 08 May 2017, 15:16

That's brilliant news!
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Re: Analpram for 2 weeks

Postby raoden » 08 May 2017, 17:34

Thanks a lot Bum_UK. Lot of posts were against using steroids for fissure. So I was very worried. But my CRS specifically told me to use it for 2 weeks and warned me not to use it more than 2 weeks. It certainly seems to have made my symptoms better. Not sure if I have caused any harm.
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Re: Analpram for 2 weeks

Postby raoden » 22 May 2017, 10:51

Update on this, in case somebody else looks at it later on. With Analpram for 2 weeks I had great improvement and was able to go back to work for 4 days. But a couple of days after I stopped Analpram and switched back to Diltiazem I got a slightly formed BM. Bristol 4 not hard, just well formed. This immediately set me back by few weeks and off work again :(. I am not sure how Analpram works. Did it just stop the pain... would the formed BM cause trouble if I was on AnalPram... I am not sure. Meeting with CRS tomorrow to consider options.
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