just John wrote:Will the Turmeric help with spasm pain? Mine's been going on for a few months. Severe burning, feeling like sitting on a red-hot poker and being sliced open at same time. Happens at random, but I noticed that when it does, I usually have just had a BM, feel like I need to have a BM, or the urge hits shortly after burning starts. Also worse (or starts in a 'zinger' way) when standing or sitting for extended periods of time - depending on chair. Using nitro ointment, but A) its expensive for me and B) The instructions are for a peas size to anal area twice daily, but I am having to use it multiple times. MD has also given me hydrocortisone enemas for mild proctitis, but those things kill me going in. And I lube them up with the nitro ointment....I am at my wits end. My wife doesn't know what to do with me, as I am hindered in about everything I do. I use (to no avail, but makes me mentally feel like I'm doing something) witch hazel, Prep H ointment (both burning and regular), Calamine lotion, hydrocortisone cream, Oragel, Dibucaine, Prescription 2% lidocaine gel, OTC suppositiories, Canasa suppositiories...Colonoscopy and MRI seem to have ruled out fissure as he has given me the cortisone enemas after, but told me that cortisone could actually hinder a fissure from healing if it were an actual fissure. Thanks for any help....
Wish I could help you out more, but here are my two cents. I'm sure many on this forum will disagree with what I say next, but it's just what I observed.
I never really had problems with spasms until after I started to use NTG ointment. I loved the stuff when I started it but I noticed after ~1 week of twice daily use, I started to have spasms after my morning BM if I was unable to get the NTG before I went. I got suspicious and stopped using the NTG and let me tell you -- I had the worst (what I call) withdrawal spasms for the next ~3 days. It wasn't so much as feeling painful spasms all day. Rather, when I would sit down on the toilet, it felt like I was trying to pass my stool through a pinhole. Very frustrating. Nitroglycerin is notorious in the medical field for its rebound and tolerance (meaning that it becomes less effective with time, and the rebound/opposite effects can be noticeable) when used as an anti-hypertensive agent (for high blood pressure) and I assumed that not only had I become somewhat tolerant (admitting I could have gone to more frequent use, though that wasn't what I was hoping to do) but also was experiencing rebound spasms.
Anyhow, once I was weaned off NTG, I haven't had any more problems with spasms. Is that because I began to use Turmeric/Coconut Oil/Cocoa Butter slurry, or is it because I stopped the NTG? I don't know. I'm not a CRS and I don't think topical NTG use for AFs has been sufficiently studied to say.
I would say that I don't necessarily advise anyone to stop NTG use. If you're using it and are happy with it, keep on going. I thought I'd share my experience because I hadn't really seen/heard of anyone else having that issue -- which may be an indication that I'm full of $hit.
I'd also say that it doesn't really seem to make sense to be using any steroid preparation topically for any extended period of time as this has been shown to have detrimental effects at least on the skin and I'd imagine it's not good for anal mucosa. I doubt you truly have proctitis. When I was having my spasms, the few times it actually became painfully obvious as a spasm where when I was trying to urinate. The muscles involved in defecation form a sort of sling around the pelvic floor to support them, and if they're not happy because of your AF, I reason it makes sense that something as simple and apparently unrelated as urinating could be painful. I'm not sure if you're using all those things/meds you listed currently. If so, I'd think long and hard about narrowing it down because polypharmacy generally does not help most people.
Turmeric is meant to be an anti-inflammatory, so I reason it can help with spasms. I also used it in conjunction with Ibuprofen, which is also an anti-inflammatory agent delivered systemically. Those, plus water/metamucil and anal lubrication (accomplished wonderfully by the cocoa butter/coconut oil) I think would help this pass, but maybe I also just had a smaller/simpler fissure to begin with. I hope you don't have to go through a NTG withdrawal period as I did because that was just very unpleasant. Good luck!